Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Live Streaming South Park Fishsticks

Fashion week masculine: Henrik Vibskov

Pour mon troisième défilé, je file chez Henrik Vibskov. Artiste et créateur, ses shows sont de véritables œuvres d’arts contemporaines.

I look forward to the stairs of the Lycee Henri IV, which leads to the room (class?). I wait 10, 20, 30 minutes ... As time passes, people congregate in the staircase. Finally, after 40 minutes, we finally did return. I settle down, have time to (re) see the creator Soulland and the parade starts. Two "Grooms" come in and prepare a sort of table that is in the middle of the room, an entire program. The first model returned some time later.

(Yes, this strange table, big table Banqueting)

The spirit of the house is quite original and quite gay. The bi-material is often present, the pants are very close to the body and are very similar to wool leggings. The jackets are inserts, padded and have a spirit "Burberry PROSUM" officer khaki coat and camel or brown. The parkas are also present for the fall of men, true. A little fighter, but ...

What intrigued me most, are the shoes:-neck wool. A bit of aristocracy in the midst of all this originality, strong! The telescopic models, themselves, are closer to future years. Good contrast at times. The mannequins parading with ice on a plate and sits around the "banquet" after their passage to melt them with a hair dryer ... Bold enough.

Enfin, un petit clin d’œil à Sonia Rykiel avec cette combinaison en laine, totalement déjantée. A quand les toges en fourrure à la Viktor&Rolf ?

Et le reste de glace...:



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