Today interview with a fairy folk of Iceland, Olof Arnalds . She has collaborated with Björk, a friend of hers, and gives us a wonderful light and fresh album, filled with beautiful compositions and feeling the northern islands " Innundir Skinni . Meet a talented singer and musician, the voice as soft and sweet bewitching:
How did you start music? I really
played music as a child. I had a classical training in violin and singing, but I only learned the guitar and other instruments that I play. I participated in numerous creative projects, as composer or performer. I then started to solo.
What you inspire you to compose?
People met during my life, conversations, my feelings.
How would you describe your music?
is very difficult to define. She has been quoted in many categories by several specialists in music, but personally I see myself only as a poet and a musician. I would not classify my music in a "box".
What are your favorite artists?
It changes every day. I listen to many artists worldwide. I try to diversify my tastes.
revered Who do you work musically? Eyvind Kang
without hesitation.
Speaking of collaboration, how did your duet with Björk?
Björk is a friend of mine, I brought him a new song for her to hear the final mix. It a eu une idée pour une des parties vocales, l’a enregistrée et me l’a envoyée pour que je puisse l’intégrer au mix. J’étais très contente de ce duo.
Vos racines islandaises ont-elles une place importante dans votre musique et dans vos textes ?
La majorité de mes chansons sont en islandais, cela prend donc une place importante dans mon travail. Quelque fois, j’aimerais éviter de donner l’idée que ma musique ne puisse être que le résultat d’où je viens. Mais mes origines islandaises ont eu une influence sur les différents événements qui ont marqué ma carrière solo.
Comment avez-vous evolved from first to second album?
I was more experienced, it allowed me to have more respect for the diversity in sound and musical sensation.
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