Pas le temps de se reposer ! C’est au tour de Boris Bidjan Saberi, et il ne faut pas que je traine… (Même si je sais qu’il y aura du retard… mais bon, mieux vaut arriver en avance quand même). La salle est bondée, et les photographes se marchent presque dessus. Les places assises deviennent rares, tant pis je reste debout. Un long rideau blanc nous cache le catwalk.
Le défilé commence, et le voile se lève. On may then discover ... a skateboard ramp! The models will then skate? Oh no, they go through a staircase which goes around the ramp. The first model of good listing predominately Parade: leather, leather and leather-re. Black is omnipresent, the mind is very motorcycle boots, skinny jeans (treggings?) Leather or fleece jogging back into shoes. However, the turban worn by some models is reminiscent of those of the Touareg desert robes or pharaohs. Mr. Bidjan Saberi would he inspired his Persian origin? In any case, extensive collection well done, especially superbly successful.
For cons the skates, I do not know if it was a good idea ... I was on the side, so I could see behind the scenes. Finally, the skate ramp, whatever. The structure had to be very slippery, as I see skaters miss their faces and fall miserably on the ground, which would be quite wrong. But I admit that I laughed at the time;)
Bon revenons à la collection. Le look street moto m’a plu, et ce défilé risque d’inspirer plus d’un modeux…
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