Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Eyebrow Designer In Las Vegas

The little things, they are actually mundane things we do not usually comment. These little things that make the lives of parents with a different child a mountain in Russia.

The little things that details are so precise, that make us a little crazy ...

A drop of water onto a cup.
A hair caught between the toes.
A Care Bears placed upside down on the pillow.
A pillow turned upside down.
A piece of cake which was defeated.
A seed block which fell to the floor.
A ceiling fan running.
sleeve sweater reported.
Hat "evil" attached.
dish "too hot".
A dog that falls in the snow.
a manhole.
An instruction booklet.
A vieu chair.
A light flashes.
Stairs cons without reversing.

I could probably continue the list but these are the ideas that come to mind right now. Besides, I'm relatively lucky, because for some families, these little things are much more invasive and complicated.

These little things can be a source of stimulation, a source of anxiety, the source of drama.

These little things are finally "see" before they arrive. These little things are so numerous, they are far from being "nothing" in the life of the child and his parents.

These little things lead regular judgments of any kind. Child king, ill-bred, parent without authority ... caprice ...

With these little things that must go through the days. Some days are easier, and the "little things" do not seem too intrusive, and other days they bring to manage crises over crises, to the "police" to wreak havoc.

The wet cup is a small thing that brings a little girl in tears. It must be wiped, and do not forget a drop. It's a little something new, probably passenger, who still lead us to question. Why this sudden disturbing detail is the point of bringing a girl into tears?

stairs without cons-start was a little girl screaming, trembling in every limb, when it was time to climb.

vieu The chair, the instruction booklet, or any other commonplace that "tail" in the house, makes a terrific impact on the life of the big girl. Relinquishing an ordinary object is difficult, stressful, source of tears. Especially avoid throwing directly into the garbage, because the villain garbage truck may break. Consider details such as into a bag, to avoid seeing the famous object falling directly into the truck. If it is in a bag will prevent an anxiety attack.

the manhole, or "manhole", may boy to get into the middle of the street to watch the water fall, throwing rocks into the small holes, and read letters used found.

A dog that falls in the snow, it's a tragedy, period. A drama that attempts to transform into pleasure. He likes that the dog snow is not serious, it can dry.

Hat "Unsecured". Oh! Because he often asks me to tie my boy his hat when his dad is already done.

The sleeves of sweaters that do not fall right??? It handles the lower right! Because son will not fail to notice this detail and pull himself on the sleeves of your sweater to replace them.

A piece of cake which was defeated, could lead to see the full égrainnée cake on the table.

A seed block that falls, it is obvious that the other seeds should follow the first. Do not ask me why I just nonsense, le groupe a été "séparé" ?

Un plat trop chaud.  La chaleur tout court. Parce que même que dès que ce n'est pas FROID... on doit souffler. Chaud ou pas, impossible de manger si on a pas souffler sur TOUS les aliments de l'assiette.

Un ventilateur au plafond d'une épicerie, attention au poteau devant, il se pourrait que fiston se pète la tête une millième fois.

Un cheveux pris entre les orteils. Oui un cheveux. Parce que c'est une extrême sensibilité chez la minie puce, RIEN ne doit aller entre les orteils. C'est une terreur qui la fera figer sur place, hurlant à plein poumon. C'est une peur si intense qu'elle a même de la difficulté to accept the explanation and see someone else touching her "between-toe."

For me it is "nothing", I know that in some live much longer, but it's crazy that all the details ended up having to watch, sometimes we have to guess, like son this morning twice fell down the stairs, he looked "a little something" that I never guessed. Sometimes it is stunning, no one knows where to head!

The Small Things is also small things that become a source of wonder. Details that do not usually comment. As

son that tonight, we showed our new companion, calling him by name. Yet we have not taught him directly, but he himself has shown us the rabbit saying his name!

hear is a true YES to 4 ½ years.

Life with a different child is full of "little things" that are ultimately "something big".


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