Saturday, March 5, 2011

Got Arrested For Nitrous Oxide

One word: WOW!

Wow, that without hesitation the word that came to mind this morning. That's the kind of wow that parents of different children live, the parents of "normal" children include, but not at the same intensity!

For a child like Tommy external stimuli can be very intrusive. I can not count how many times he crashed into a pole because he watched the ventaliteurs ceiling of the store, he fell down because he watched the addresses of houses rather than before it. I can not count the number of "blue" and lip bleeding.

If we go back a little over two years ago, we had a child who does se retournait pas à son prénom, qui ne semblait pas intéressé par nous, ses parents, et qui errait sans vraiment regarder derrière lui.

Que de chemin parcouru durant ces deux années. Que de travail fait, par nous, et par ses éducatrices du CRDI.

Je le mentionne parce que c'est important et parce que j'y crois.  Le ICI tel que j'ai mentionné, ne fait pas de miracles, il ne guérit certainement pas l'autisme et je pourrais même aller jusqu'à dire qu'ils ne font rien qu'on ne pourrait faire nous-même.

Toutefois, le travail que les éducatrices font, toutes ces hours is something that in reality every day, we would lack time to do it ourselves.

Quite simply, I do not even need to speak with normal children versus children for us to understand different here, I just need to talk about the lack of time, the life " race "that led a majority of parents. I think of all those parents who feel guilty about not enough playing with their child. Those parents who cut corners because it's urgent, we must go quickly, so I dressed and we have gotten in the car. I think these parents who buy peace because they are pressed.

is a reality, we live it all. The time that teachers give to my boy, it's time that I did not really routine, children, school, housework, meals, housekeeping, meals, children, meal ... We have to obviously, I just can not divide myself into three (much less four!). It was not during an outing to the park that I can work for example the fact that Tommy must return to the call of his name, because that will oversee the other two children?? Believe me, my friends have witnessed more than once, a pair of eyes pour les trois enfants est loin d'être suffisant!!

Pour moi, une journée comme aujourd'hui est un succès incroyable, c'est aussi le fruit de beaucoup d'efforts.

Promesse faite à la grande, nous allions manger au Mcdo!  La grande voulait jouer dans l'aire de jeu, ça faisait longtemps qu'elle nous le demandait.

Croyez-moi, à midi, il y avait foule! Les tables dans l'aire de jeu étaient pleines, des enfants, il y en avait partout!

Dans le Mcdo où nous étions, les tables de l'aire de jeu sont sur deux étages. Manquant de places, nous nous sommes installés en haut. Papa est parti en haut avec the chip, and I stayed down. After a while I joined Dad and I watched from above. Tommy did not know where I was, I was planning to come down to fetch food.

After several minutes, the big spring followed by a slip of his brother. I call the second floor to come and eat. I asked him to bring his brother but did not hear. I see Tommy then redirect to the slides. I cry when his name - and I take the trouble to remind you that it was crowded with people, noise, laughter and cries. While I am preparing to descend, Tommy freezes upon hearing his name. He starts looking around, c'est ÉVIDENT qu'il cherche à trouver d'où provient le son de ma voix.

Dans ma tête c'est déjà trop WOW!  Il a arrêté en attendant son nom et en plus il cherche du regard dans la pièce. Vous n'avez pas idée, à plus de 4 ans et demi, à quel point c'est un moment très important pour nous!

Je le rappelle donc, voyant qu'il cherche où je suis. Son regard se porte alors sur moi, après deux trois appels. Je lui demande donc de venir "en haut", "on va manger".  À mon grand étonnement, pour un deuxième WOW, Tommy délaisse l'aire de jeu, sans hésiter, et il se dirige vers les escaliers pour join us.

Honestly, I write and I come back just yet. This kind of history can seem so trivial, but believe me it is far from being a child like Tommy.

I often say that people have no idea all the way my children have traveled since birth. They have no idea when I see my great to play in games without fear, without fear, anguish in his eyes but only the pleasure, at what point for us is special and important, because time and of work to go so far there have been.

Today we lived a great time!


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