One word: WOW!
Wow, that without hesitation the word that came to mind this morning. That's the kind of wow that parents of different children live, the parents of "normal" children include, but not at the same intensity!
For a child like Tommy external stimuli can be very intrusive. I can not count how many times he crashed into a pole because he watched the ventaliteurs ceiling of the store, he fell down because he watched the addresses of houses rather than before it. I can not count the number of "blue" and lip bleeding.
If we go back a little over two years ago, we had a child who does se retournait pas à son prénom, qui ne semblait pas intéressé par nous, ses parents, et qui errait sans vraiment regarder derrière lui.
Que de chemin parcouru durant ces deux années. Que de travail fait, par nous, et par ses éducatrices du CRDI.
Je le mentionne parce que c'est important et parce que j'y crois. Le ICI tel que j'ai mentionné, ne fait pas de miracles, il ne guérit certainement pas l'autisme et je pourrais même aller jusqu'à dire qu'ils ne font rien qu'on ne pourrait faire nous-même.
Toutefois, le travail que les éducatrices font, toutes ces hours is something that in reality every day, we would lack time to do it ourselves.
Quite simply, I do not even need to speak with normal children versus children for us to understand different here, I just need to talk about the lack of time, the life " race "that led a majority of parents. I think of all those parents who feel guilty about not enough playing with their child. Those parents who cut corners because it's urgent, we must go quickly, so I dressed and we have gotten in the car. I think these parents who buy peace because they are pressed.
is a reality, we live it all. The time that teachers give to my boy, it's time that I did not really routine, children, school, housework, meals, housekeeping, meals, children, meal ... We have to obviously, I just can not divide myself into three (much less four!). It was not during an outing to the park that I can work for example the fact that Tommy must return to the call of his name, because that will oversee the other two children?? Believe me, my friends have witnessed more than once, a pair of eyes pour les trois enfants est loin d'être suffisant!!
Pour moi, une journée comme aujourd'hui est un succès incroyable, c'est aussi le fruit de beaucoup d'efforts.
Promesse faite à la grande, nous allions manger au Mcdo! La grande voulait jouer dans l'aire de jeu, ça faisait longtemps qu'elle nous le demandait.
Croyez-moi, à midi, il y avait foule! Les tables dans l'aire de jeu étaient pleines, des enfants, il y en avait partout!
Dans le Mcdo où nous étions, les tables de l'aire de jeu sont sur deux étages. Manquant de places, nous nous sommes installés en haut. Papa est parti en haut avec the chip, and I stayed down. After a while I joined Dad and I watched from above. Tommy did not know where I was, I was planning to come down to fetch food.
After several minutes, the big spring followed by a slip of his brother. I call the second floor to come and eat. I asked him to bring his brother but did not hear. I see Tommy then redirect to the slides. I cry when his name - and I take the trouble to remind you that it was crowded with people, noise, laughter and cries. While I am preparing to descend, Tommy freezes upon hearing his name. He starts looking around, c'est ÉVIDENT qu'il cherche à trouver d'où provient le son de ma voix.
Dans ma tête c'est déjà trop WOW! Il a arrêté en attendant son nom et en plus il cherche du regard dans la pièce. Vous n'avez pas idée, à plus de 4 ans et demi, à quel point c'est un moment très important pour nous!
Je le rappelle donc, voyant qu'il cherche où je suis. Son regard se porte alors sur moi, après deux trois appels. Je lui demande donc de venir "en haut", "on va manger". À mon grand étonnement, pour un deuxième WOW, Tommy délaisse l'aire de jeu, sans hésiter, et il se dirige vers les escaliers pour join us.
Honestly, I write and I come back just yet. This kind of history can seem so trivial, but believe me it is far from being a child like Tommy.
I often say that people have no idea all the way my children have traveled since birth. They have no idea when I see my great to play in games without fear, without fear, anguish in his eyes but only the pleasure, at what point for us is special and important, because time and of work to go so far there have been.
Today we lived a great time!
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
09 Sidekick Lx On At&t
In the garden, the party prepares for sponsoring Operation
For the third consecutive year, we realize the visual and communication media for the Festival Gardens stage organized by the Regional Tourism Committee of Picardy, which takes place this year from 24 June to 3 July. First step: photo session with Benjamin Teissedre / Comdesimages and excellent actors from the company Lizard Decadent. Here is the garden vegetable version with carrot, lettuce, pepper, cherry, pear and ... nains de jardin qui devient scène de théâtre pour le plaisir de tous.
For the third consecutive year, we realize the visual and communication media for the Festival Gardens stage organized by the Regional Tourism Committee of Picardy, which takes place this year from 24 June to 3 July. First step: photo session with Benjamin Teissedre / Comdesimages and excellent actors from the company Lizard Decadent. Here is the garden vegetable version with carrot, lettuce, pepper, cherry, pear and ... nains de jardin qui devient scène de théâtre pour le plaisir de tous.
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Understanding the pervasive developmental disorder
You understand that there are now over 2 years that I write on the blog to inform and offer my testimony lived on the pervasive developmental disorders.
Two years of text, it may be time to go. I had already suggested to a group so that newcomers can meet. I also think that consolidation can help people who would tell their family and friends. This is one of the main reason that motivates me for two years to write here.
I throw the message, if there are questions you think unanswered topics that I would not touch, do not be shy especially for me by email.
The announcement of a pervasive developmental disorder in children is like a bomb had landed on the home of the parents. Many parents feel that a split second we just destroyed their world "perfect." All dreams seem to break and is an uncertain future, often seen on the dark trick shock, which takes place.
This stage is extremely difficult to bear. Parents spend an incredible range of emotions. Sadness, colère, la remise en question, la culpabilité, l'intolérance, l'isolement. C'est une étape difficile et l'annonce du trouble envahissant du développement dans la famille, oui ça change une vie.
Un trouble envahissant du quotidien - Le choc du possible diagnostic
On entend souvent parler du choc du diagnostic, plus rarement du choc de l’annonce du « possible » diagnostic. Pourtant le début des démarches vers un diagnostic est une étape extrêmement difficile à vivre. On entre dans un univers inconnu. On arrive parfois avec nos idées préconçues de ce qu’est l’autisme, ideas that can make the acceptance of the steps just as difficult as the acceptance of future diagnosis.
How to be good with approaches to diagnosis, so we have a hard ourselves to see the problem? Not all parents who have the strength to learn about the TED and not all parents who have had suspicions of any disorder. For some, the announcement of this possibility may be a shock if they did not see coming. Do not forget the subtle cases, those on the borderline between the typical child and the child ASD.
Why I did not see coming?
is an issue that crosses the minds of most parents' approaches to diagnosis, or who have recently received the diagnosis. The question often leads to guilt. Why I did not see anything? Why I did not notice the obvious? It feels so guilty of time "lost" not to have been quite "soon" to remark that there was a problem.
When we bring specialists to the peculiarities of our child that the tests show how the difficulties are obvious, we feel as if we were blind.
Why? Why has not seen what seems so obvious afterwards? Following
Fall 2008
Guilt! I feel guilty about many things. Do not worry I'm far from being a depressed person ... despite what the written word can sometimes be transmitted. But I'm still guilty even though I know I should not. Easy to say no? I feel guilty in the day when my boy goes 1hr to launch mega blocks alone in his corner while I'm folding laundry or taking care of the sick little sister. I feel guilty when he spends too much time in his chair booster that I'm waiting for the other two to be able to disembark. I feel guilty for not having enough time to sit with him and show him things ... although I know very well that he does not cooperate ... and especially that he mad. I feel guilty at night supper to feed him with a toast, then it is one of only food that still accepts. More ... I said in the previous post ... I feel guilty of categorizing my guys ... to know his problem without a diagnosis.
The effect of isolation est bien présent chez les familles avec un enfant atteint d'un trouble envahissant du développement. Ce n'est pas vraiment la faute de quelqu'un, c'est seulement une conséquence d'une réalité différente des parents d'enfants sans troubles divers.
Vous a-t-on demandé "comment ça va?"
Je vous pose la question aujourd'hui.
Est-ce qu'on vous a demandé comment ça va? Pas la petite question de cadre de porte à laquelle les gens ne veulent pas vraiment de réponses, mais la question sincère. "Comment tu vas? Comment tu vis toutes les épreuves?"
Je me rappelle lorsqu'on a fait les démarches pour and our son got the diagnosis, how is what hurt me most. For people, life has not changed and some of them think to ask us how we're going. Following
Because no it is not an accusation against anyone
Steps ... or those battles that will never end
Parents impatient, guilty parents
We are awaiting parents! Well I do not generalize, and I do not put our fault either, but the company wants "everyone to be like that again.
Children who attend the center are trained in cleanliness at the same time, drinking glass, eating with utensils.
compare against their parents on their child's development with the neighbor. You know, the little boy who walked at 10 months while you walked at 14 months?
As I have already explained there are also books, stages of development, while to "stress" the parents a little more when the child does not meet the "standards" established.
We became anxious parents.
Why I talk to parents anxious? Because most of the time when a parent tries to express concern at the development of his child, he made answer "see there's nothing there" ... "It is slower etc. .. etc. .. etc. ..". For some children, these people are right. For others, they twist. Following
The obstacle course
The assault course. You know, this journey full of pitfalls, trials and obstacles, when the "path" you would think that it will never end. This is a physically and psychologically difficult to cross.
The obstacle course is being undertaken by the Parents children "different". Each person will have a different route, but all agree how demanding it is. Physically? Because some people will completely deplete them, will forget to take care of them during this journey ... Psychologically? Because the term demand while working, self-esteem, emotional, review its priorities, depression ... Following
effect diagnosis
Suspicion and diagnosis of ASD for parents is a big event in their lives.
We go through beaucoup de questionnements. On se demande quelle erreur nous avons commise avec l'enfant, pourquoi nous ?, est-ce qu'on aurait pu le prévénir, pourquoi on ne l'a pas vu avant ?... et j'en passe.
Ensuite on doit vivre avec le regard des autres, la famille attristée par la nouvelle, les étrangers qui ne savent pas vraiment ce qui nous arrive...
Accepter le diagnostic est une épreuve de longue durée. À vrai dire, il y a aura toujours des moments plus difficiles que d'autres, mais le temps fait bien les choses et ça deviendra de plus en plus facile à accepter.
La réaction the entourage
In the whirlwind of feelings that we took when we officially announce the doctor's assumptions about our child, it could happen to forget that our environment is also affected by these events.
Our surroundings, our family, our friends, may have lived with us, by far, our concerns about our child.
is a delicate subject to discuss. Grandma may have noticed things, not daring to talk to parents. That's what happened to me. People noticed the difference in our child, but never ventured to put a word on the delay. My Grandma have me admitted after the beginning of my efforts have been afraid to tell me ... and yet she knows I am a very open minded. Our discussions have finally made him understand that even if she had not spoken to me, I knew. I knew my boy had a problem.
Can we blame those around us who have remained silent? They are in a difficult position. Some parents are not ready to hear the "truth" and will blame anyone wishing to address the subject. Some parents are afraid.
The announcement of the early steps may have many effect on the environment.
relief for those who did not dare broach the subject directly with parents.
Denial , for those who can not see the specifics of the child.
Find a guilty, he must find a cause to feel better.
Malaise, Autism, is a scary word, people do not know how to talk. Want
reassure parents, unfortunately not always the right way.
Depression, anxiety ... just like the parents live, sometimes multiplied par la peine pour leur petit enfant et pour leur propre enfant tout à la fois.
La liste est infinie, les réactions sont uniques à chacun.
Dans ce tourbillon l’entourage peut commettre certaines erreurs. C’est malheureux et je l’espère involontaire la plupart du temps.
Pour l’entourage voici donc quelques petits conseils à retenir :
- Ne pas nier en tentant de rassurer les parents : "Ah non il est correct cet enfant-là ..., ça pas de bon sens "
- Chercher une autre cause : "Ah il est sûrement juste paresseux... "
- Accuser son grade "This is a second ... that's why it is neglected, you have less time to take care of him."
- The classic boy : "The boys are slower, it will unlock. "
- Accusing parents :" This child is king ... he does whatever he wants, "" he listens to too much TV, "" you do not have enough authority over him "
- Search thousand and one solutions: We need to listen, no solution on why our child wakes up four times a night. The process has just begun for us, there is more much room for boards to "because you have to let him cry."
When people are not familiar with a situation they can bring some judgments about the way we do. It is both a means to protect themselves against the inevitable is not it? Denial. Try to avoid this error is very hurtful for parents.
What may be needed:
-Do not feel uncomfortable to ask more questions . If we tackled the topic is that we are ready to respond. If we are talking about is probably because we need to be listened.
- Do not look for something clever to say , your listening is sufficient.
- Request new without discomfort!
- Remember to congratulate the parents . Try not to forget in all the work they do with their child, try not to go telling them how much you're sad for them. They do not live that sentences with their child.
What is the pervasive developmental disorder?
diagnostic criteria
11 minutes in the world of autism
Various videos
"Definition" pervasive developmental disorder
is a difficult question to answer, and answers are vague as well as the pervasive developmental disorder is something few concrete define.
We find essentially the same problem in the explanation of the various neurological disorders that exist. These are problems "in the head," disorders that can not see, we can not show, explain the physical.
If you ask, what's a broken arm, it's easy to present an image to understand what it is. It can be seen by radiography, and especially there is NO room for interpretation.
Parents approach to diagnosis seeking answers as possible specific to a disorder that is not even. Following
The label is a topic that is brewing. We wants it, we do not want it, we judge, she was questioned, she is seen as bad, we are afraid.
If you feel concerned by the statement above, these readings should interest you.
A label Please!
These people who are looking for labels at all costs
The danger of the label
Multiple labels
Can we put something clear
Some myths, or misunderstood TED
Imagination and the person with ASD
When we read on the TED, of course all the pictures stand out. The diagnostic criteria and examples we are given are generally the "good old case of classic autism."
Today we know that the autism spectrum is much broader than just the autism of Kanner (classical).
When parents consult a professional for their child, the professional look some thing like eye contact, the interests of the child and the ability to pretend. If the child is pretending, several front-line professionals exclaim "everything is beautiful." Following
He diagnosed mild ... there is nothing there!
When I need to talk about my boy, I can just say "autism" ... it's simple, people understand. If want more details? "Oh well it's a little classical case in movies like".
People also have compassion, pity perhaps sometimes, sadness. Poor parents it must be difficult, "autistic" ...!
If we must talk about the mining, or other parents will recognize may be here. She has a "PDD (pervasive developmental disorder)" (we do not yet have reports or specifications from high level autism or PDD-NOS).
I speak Chinese would like it not? Some even live comments platforms like "oh it must not be so bad ... it's not as bad Autism. " Or "Oh! Today we try to label children unnecessarily just temperamental and wild. " The lucky ones have families and sympathetic surroundings, the less will do is accuse ... Autism day after day? Ah would not simpler? And in the minds of people is even "more serious". Following
Living with the cliches of autism
The autism spectrum is complex to understand. Complex for experts, a little more for the parents and even more for the rest of the world.
Autism? It seems more easy to understand ... I repeat I know.
As best I can, my writing, I try to "enlighten" a few people on this subject that is dear to my heart. Try somehow to explain the subtleties, features, differences between each, and everything that our children have obtained (or shall obtain for those in steps) a diagnosis of pervasive developmental disorder (or disorder Autism Spectrum ... your choice).
I work hard but I do it for fun. I speak from my own observations, my experiences and my findings. I work hard, and hardest task is to break down stereotypes. People are not just is opened, the pictures are so much space in our lives. These photographs bring us
literally sticks in the wheels. Really! Despite my knowledge of the subject people can not help but be defensive when I try to address some of the subtleties in diagnosis and it is difficult, at times unbearable. Following
Talk about a case of "light" ... it is not simple
... To me that is so easy to raise (my best) families and friends ... To me that is so easy to accept the diagnoses and talk about ... it is quite another thing for mining.
I meet people who ask me some questions about Tommy ... and the obvious question always comes.
"And the other children themselves? They are correct? They have nothing?"
And there ... me ... which raises awareness for almost 2 years ... which is totally comfortable with the peculiarities of my children and more than well informed to be able to explain to people ... I HAVE A LOCK. Following
All sorts of peculiarities
Specific associations
One of the main problems found in le TED (et peut-être d'autres troubles semblables?) est la généralisation des apprentissages. Il y a aussi une question d'association qui est faite dans la tête de l'enfant TED.
Pour un enfant typique... un verre est un verre. Qu'il soit bleu, blanc, rouge, qu'il soit grand ou petit. L'enfant peut avoir une préférence, mais pour lui un verre c'est un verre en autant que ce soit fait pour boire.
Pour l'enfant TED certains parents parleront à un certain moment de rigidités. L'enfant refuse de boire dans un autre verre ou bien dans une autre assiette, avec une fourchette différente de l'habitude sinon l'enfant fait une crise. suite
The complexity of language acquisition
The hand tool
eye contact
Intervention (IBI)
Evidence-A small daily treat
The HERE questioned
Especially for parents of children with different
Confession of a mother like other moms
perfect exist?
And it is the subject of my message here today.
It's a few days (even more than a week) that the text keeps going through my head, but requires big week .... I did not have time to do so.
I take at this time, a small well-deserved break while mining is a dodo, and Tommy plays his game with a magnet seated at the table beside me, to write it last!
To be on forums for over 5 years, and read some blogs ... I realized it was easy to romanticize people just by reading their text ... and thereby feel guilty yourself. Following
I am a mother like other
The demands of society
It is our fault
Never forget this: We are the specialists of our children
I will continue regularly update this page.
You understand that there are now over 2 years that I write on the blog to inform and offer my testimony lived on the pervasive developmental disorders.
Two years of text, it may be time to go. I had already suggested to a group so that newcomers can meet. I also think that consolidation can help people who would tell their family and friends. This is one of the main reason that motivates me for two years to write here.
I throw the message, if there are questions you think unanswered topics that I would not touch, do not be shy especially for me by email.
The announcement of a pervasive developmental disorder in children is like a bomb had landed on the home of the parents. Many parents feel that a split second we just destroyed their world "perfect." All dreams seem to break and is an uncertain future, often seen on the dark trick shock, which takes place.
This stage is extremely difficult to bear. Parents spend an incredible range of emotions. Sadness, colère, la remise en question, la culpabilité, l'intolérance, l'isolement. C'est une étape difficile et l'annonce du trouble envahissant du développement dans la famille, oui ça change une vie.
Un trouble envahissant du quotidien - Le choc du possible diagnostic
On entend souvent parler du choc du diagnostic, plus rarement du choc de l’annonce du « possible » diagnostic. Pourtant le début des démarches vers un diagnostic est une étape extrêmement difficile à vivre. On entre dans un univers inconnu. On arrive parfois avec nos idées préconçues de ce qu’est l’autisme, ideas that can make the acceptance of the steps just as difficult as the acceptance of future diagnosis.
How to be good with approaches to diagnosis, so we have a hard ourselves to see the problem? Not all parents who have the strength to learn about the TED and not all parents who have had suspicions of any disorder. For some, the announcement of this possibility may be a shock if they did not see coming. Do not forget the subtle cases, those on the borderline between the typical child and the child ASD.
Why I did not see coming?
is an issue that crosses the minds of most parents' approaches to diagnosis, or who have recently received the diagnosis. The question often leads to guilt. Why I did not see anything? Why I did not notice the obvious? It feels so guilty of time "lost" not to have been quite "soon" to remark that there was a problem.
When we bring specialists to the peculiarities of our child that the tests show how the difficulties are obvious, we feel as if we were blind.
Why? Why has not seen what seems so obvious afterwards? Following
Fall 2008
Guilt! I feel guilty about many things. Do not worry I'm far from being a depressed person ... despite what the written word can sometimes be transmitted. But I'm still guilty even though I know I should not. Easy to say no? I feel guilty in the day when my boy goes 1hr to launch mega blocks alone in his corner while I'm folding laundry or taking care of the sick little sister. I feel guilty when he spends too much time in his chair booster that I'm waiting for the other two to be able to disembark. I feel guilty for not having enough time to sit with him and show him things ... although I know very well that he does not cooperate ... and especially that he mad. I feel guilty at night supper to feed him with a toast, then it is one of only food that still accepts. More ... I said in the previous post ... I feel guilty of categorizing my guys ... to know his problem without a diagnosis.
The effect of isolation est bien présent chez les familles avec un enfant atteint d'un trouble envahissant du développement. Ce n'est pas vraiment la faute de quelqu'un, c'est seulement une conséquence d'une réalité différente des parents d'enfants sans troubles divers.
Vous a-t-on demandé "comment ça va?"
Je vous pose la question aujourd'hui.
Est-ce qu'on vous a demandé comment ça va? Pas la petite question de cadre de porte à laquelle les gens ne veulent pas vraiment de réponses, mais la question sincère. "Comment tu vas? Comment tu vis toutes les épreuves?"
Je me rappelle lorsqu'on a fait les démarches pour and our son got the diagnosis, how is what hurt me most. For people, life has not changed and some of them think to ask us how we're going. Following
Because no it is not an accusation against anyone
Steps ... or those battles that will never end
Parents impatient, guilty parents
We are awaiting parents! Well I do not generalize, and I do not put our fault either, but the company wants "everyone to be like that again.
Children who attend the center are trained in cleanliness at the same time, drinking glass, eating with utensils.
compare against their parents on their child's development with the neighbor. You know, the little boy who walked at 10 months while you walked at 14 months?
As I have already explained there are also books, stages of development, while to "stress" the parents a little more when the child does not meet the "standards" established.
We became anxious parents.
Why I talk to parents anxious? Because most of the time when a parent tries to express concern at the development of his child, he made answer "see there's nothing there" ... "It is slower etc. .. etc. .. etc. ..". For some children, these people are right. For others, they twist. Following
The obstacle course
The assault course. You know, this journey full of pitfalls, trials and obstacles, when the "path" you would think that it will never end. This is a physically and psychologically difficult to cross.
The obstacle course is being undertaken by the Parents children "different". Each person will have a different route, but all agree how demanding it is. Physically? Because some people will completely deplete them, will forget to take care of them during this journey ... Psychologically? Because the term demand while working, self-esteem, emotional, review its priorities, depression ... Following
effect diagnosis
Suspicion and diagnosis of ASD for parents is a big event in their lives.
We go through beaucoup de questionnements. On se demande quelle erreur nous avons commise avec l'enfant, pourquoi nous ?, est-ce qu'on aurait pu le prévénir, pourquoi on ne l'a pas vu avant ?... et j'en passe.
Ensuite on doit vivre avec le regard des autres, la famille attristée par la nouvelle, les étrangers qui ne savent pas vraiment ce qui nous arrive...
Accepter le diagnostic est une épreuve de longue durée. À vrai dire, il y a aura toujours des moments plus difficiles que d'autres, mais le temps fait bien les choses et ça deviendra de plus en plus facile à accepter.
La réaction the entourage
In the whirlwind of feelings that we took when we officially announce the doctor's assumptions about our child, it could happen to forget that our environment is also affected by these events.
Our surroundings, our family, our friends, may have lived with us, by far, our concerns about our child.
is a delicate subject to discuss. Grandma may have noticed things, not daring to talk to parents. That's what happened to me. People noticed the difference in our child, but never ventured to put a word on the delay. My Grandma have me admitted after the beginning of my efforts have been afraid to tell me ... and yet she knows I am a very open minded. Our discussions have finally made him understand that even if she had not spoken to me, I knew. I knew my boy had a problem.
Can we blame those around us who have remained silent? They are in a difficult position. Some parents are not ready to hear the "truth" and will blame anyone wishing to address the subject. Some parents are afraid.
The announcement of the early steps may have many effect on the environment.
relief for those who did not dare broach the subject directly with parents.
Denial , for those who can not see the specifics of the child.
Find a guilty, he must find a cause to feel better.
Malaise, Autism, is a scary word, people do not know how to talk. Want
reassure parents, unfortunately not always the right way.
Depression, anxiety ... just like the parents live, sometimes multiplied par la peine pour leur petit enfant et pour leur propre enfant tout à la fois.
La liste est infinie, les réactions sont uniques à chacun.
Dans ce tourbillon l’entourage peut commettre certaines erreurs. C’est malheureux et je l’espère involontaire la plupart du temps.
Pour l’entourage voici donc quelques petits conseils à retenir :
- Ne pas nier en tentant de rassurer les parents : "Ah non il est correct cet enfant-là ..., ça pas de bon sens "
- Chercher une autre cause : "Ah il est sûrement juste paresseux... "
- Accuser son grade "This is a second ... that's why it is neglected, you have less time to take care of him."
- The classic boy : "The boys are slower, it will unlock. "
- Accusing parents :" This child is king ... he does whatever he wants, "" he listens to too much TV, "" you do not have enough authority over him "
- Search thousand and one solutions: We need to listen, no solution on why our child wakes up four times a night. The process has just begun for us, there is more much room for boards to "because you have to let him cry."
When people are not familiar with a situation they can bring some judgments about the way we do. It is both a means to protect themselves against the inevitable is not it? Denial. Try to avoid this error is very hurtful for parents.
What may be needed:
-Do not feel uncomfortable to ask more questions . If we tackled the topic is that we are ready to respond. If we are talking about is probably because we need to be listened.
- Do not look for something clever to say , your listening is sufficient.
- Request new without discomfort!
- Remember to congratulate the parents . Try not to forget in all the work they do with their child, try not to go telling them how much you're sad for them. They do not live that sentences with their child.
What is the pervasive developmental disorder?
diagnostic criteria
11 minutes in the world of autism
Various videos
"Definition" pervasive developmental disorder
is a difficult question to answer, and answers are vague as well as the pervasive developmental disorder is something few concrete define.
We find essentially the same problem in the explanation of the various neurological disorders that exist. These are problems "in the head," disorders that can not see, we can not show, explain the physical.
If you ask, what's a broken arm, it's easy to present an image to understand what it is. It can be seen by radiography, and especially there is NO room for interpretation.
Parents approach to diagnosis seeking answers as possible specific to a disorder that is not even. Following
The label is a topic that is brewing. We wants it, we do not want it, we judge, she was questioned, she is seen as bad, we are afraid.
If you feel concerned by the statement above, these readings should interest you.
A label Please!
These people who are looking for labels at all costs
The danger of the label
Multiple labels
Can we put something clear
Some myths, or misunderstood TED
Imagination and the person with ASD
When we read on the TED, of course all the pictures stand out. The diagnostic criteria and examples we are given are generally the "good old case of classic autism."
Today we know that the autism spectrum is much broader than just the autism of Kanner (classical).
When parents consult a professional for their child, the professional look some thing like eye contact, the interests of the child and the ability to pretend. If the child is pretending, several front-line professionals exclaim "everything is beautiful." Following
He diagnosed mild ... there is nothing there!
When I need to talk about my boy, I can just say "autism" ... it's simple, people understand. If want more details? "Oh well it's a little classical case in movies like".
People also have compassion, pity perhaps sometimes, sadness. Poor parents it must be difficult, "autistic" ...!
If we must talk about the mining, or other parents will recognize may be here. She has a "PDD (pervasive developmental disorder)" (we do not yet have reports or specifications from high level autism or PDD-NOS).
I speak Chinese would like it not? Some even live comments platforms like "oh it must not be so bad ... it's not as bad Autism. " Or "Oh! Today we try to label children unnecessarily just temperamental and wild. " The lucky ones have families and sympathetic surroundings, the less will do is accuse ... Autism day after day? Ah would not simpler? And in the minds of people is even "more serious". Following
Living with the cliches of autism
The autism spectrum is complex to understand. Complex for experts, a little more for the parents and even more for the rest of the world.
Autism? It seems more easy to understand ... I repeat I know.
As best I can, my writing, I try to "enlighten" a few people on this subject that is dear to my heart. Try somehow to explain the subtleties, features, differences between each, and everything that our children have obtained (or shall obtain for those in steps) a diagnosis of pervasive developmental disorder (or disorder Autism Spectrum ... your choice).
I work hard but I do it for fun. I speak from my own observations, my experiences and my findings. I work hard, and hardest task is to break down stereotypes. People are not just is opened, the pictures are so much space in our lives. These photographs bring us
literally sticks in the wheels. Really! Despite my knowledge of the subject people can not help but be defensive when I try to address some of the subtleties in diagnosis and it is difficult, at times unbearable. Following
Talk about a case of "light" ... it is not simple
... To me that is so easy to raise (my best) families and friends ... To me that is so easy to accept the diagnoses and talk about ... it is quite another thing for mining.
I meet people who ask me some questions about Tommy ... and the obvious question always comes.
"And the other children themselves? They are correct? They have nothing?"
And there ... me ... which raises awareness for almost 2 years ... which is totally comfortable with the peculiarities of my children and more than well informed to be able to explain to people ... I HAVE A LOCK. Following
All sorts of peculiarities
Specific associations
One of the main problems found in le TED (et peut-être d'autres troubles semblables?) est la généralisation des apprentissages. Il y a aussi une question d'association qui est faite dans la tête de l'enfant TED.
Pour un enfant typique... un verre est un verre. Qu'il soit bleu, blanc, rouge, qu'il soit grand ou petit. L'enfant peut avoir une préférence, mais pour lui un verre c'est un verre en autant que ce soit fait pour boire.
Pour l'enfant TED certains parents parleront à un certain moment de rigidités. L'enfant refuse de boire dans un autre verre ou bien dans une autre assiette, avec une fourchette différente de l'habitude sinon l'enfant fait une crise. suite
The complexity of language acquisition
The hand tool
eye contact
Intervention (IBI)
Evidence-A small daily treat
The HERE questioned
Especially for parents of children with different
Confession of a mother like other moms
perfect exist?
And it is the subject of my message here today.
It's a few days (even more than a week) that the text keeps going through my head, but requires big week .... I did not have time to do so.
I take at this time, a small well-deserved break while mining is a dodo, and Tommy plays his game with a magnet seated at the table beside me, to write it last!
To be on forums for over 5 years, and read some blogs ... I realized it was easy to romanticize people just by reading their text ... and thereby feel guilty yourself. Following
I am a mother like other
The demands of society
It is our fault
Never forget this: We are the specialists of our children
I will continue regularly update this page.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
My Throat Hurt When I Swallow, Pregnancy
What is the pervasive developmental disorder? Little things
What is the pervasive developmental disorder?
Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) is a set of severe developmental disorders of the child, including cognitive, social, emotional, intellectual, sensory and the acquisition of language. Autism is the most famous example.
Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) have in common an association of three categories de symptômes : les troubles de la communication verbale et non verbale, les troubles des relations sociales, des centres d'intérêts restreints et/ou des conduites répétitives. Les personnes atteintes de TED ont du mal à s’adapter aux changements de l’environnement. La sévérité des symptômes est variable d’une personne à l’autre. La variabilité de l’expression clinique résulte non seulement du degré d’autisme qui diffère d’une personne à l’autre mais aussi de l’association des TED à d’autres troubles (retard mental, troubles moteurs, sensoriels et perceptifs, épilepsie…)
ASD is generally reported in the first years of life. To submit a PDD must have:
severe disorders of communication: difficulty with language and decoding, echolalia, be non-verbal, etc.;.
Attacks neuro-sensory: the dysfunction of the five senses cause bizarre behavior and stereotypic survival in people. Abnormal behavioral manifestations are related to their neurological and chemical.
This leads ...
disorders of socialization: the autistic wants to interact but can not because of his disability.
These problems may be of varying intensity or appear differently depending on the disease. Some people with ASD can function normally in society while others require supervision 24 hours 24.
Have you found the answer in the explanations quoted above? Probably not, probably not more than me when I began my efforts.
is a difficult question to answer, and answers are vague as well as the pervasive developmental disorder is something of little concrete to set.
We find essentially the same problem in the explanation of the various neurological disorders that exist. These are problems "in the head," disorders that can not see, we can not show, explain the physical.
If you ask, what's a broken arm, it's easy to present an image to understand what it is. It can be seen by radiography, and above there is NO room for interpretation.
Parents approach to diagnosis seeking answers as possible specific to a disorder that is not even.
Parents who just had a diagnosis would better understand how it fits their child. Distinguish between "pervasive develop" their children and normal reactions to their child.
Parents who just had a diagnosis would be better able to explain to their family, friends.
is a question for which the answers are hard to find, because it speaks of a invisible disability and its characteristics may lead to different interpretations .
Even more difficult, anything you can say verbally (even in writing), to try to explain, will be questioned, compared, destroyed ... because eventually everyone will say "I ....."
It's easy, with an invisible disability, to accuse the parents, lack of discipline, authority, say the experts are wrong (ok yes it can happen! là n'est pas le débat), parce qu'on ne peut pas VOIR et PROUVER hors de tout doute le trouble en question.
Encore plus compliqué, le trouble envahissant de l'époque était clair, c'était l'autisme de kanner, le cliché qui traverse encore l'esprit des personnes qui entendent le mot "AUTISME". C'était facile, on le reconnaissait sans problème, il avait l'air "débile", n'entrait pas en contact avec les gens, était tout ce qu'il y a de plus "dans sa bulle". On le reconnaissait par les crises, le balancement dans un coin. J'exagère "à peine".
Mais aujourd'hui? How can we explain this? Through the skyrocketing diagnoses and broadening the criteria? How can it be explained by comparing a Kanner autism (classic) and a child diagnosed with "mild" or even what we call a person in the "broader phenotype of autism *".
At the main question, what the pervasive developmental disorder , I would say that it is a group of disorders, characteristics found in the normal population.
I certainly will not help you with this answer, and yet it in part the key to understanding with the least possible interpretation, what the pervasive developmental disorder.
The pervasive develop is a collection of features and problems seen in the population. The person who has difficulty sustaining the gaze of the speaker. The man who lives with a very specific routine or it can be an anxiety attack. These people have a phobia of balloons bursting. Those who have their ears because there's a sound too loud. Those who feel physically ill in a place where there are too many people.
You can, without difficulty, noting such characteristics in yourself, your neighbor, your brother, your spouse, your teacher.
We often hear about the characteristics TED. The characteristics of pervasive developmental disorder are as follows .... The problem as I have related above, it is instantaneous, the interpretation is possible, and believe me the people jump (without wickedness) the opportunity to make it with "yes, but ...".
Parents are exhausted trying to explain, and let go often taken when they are always answers the famous "yes ... but my neighbor .... ..."
So start by setting that's something I really repeats as possible, features called TED are in fact normal features of the human.
If we solve the problem of interpretation, we can perhaps better explain what the pervasive developmental disorder.
The term "characteristics TED" is confusing. Because we find these characteristics in the population quite normal and are found also in several other neurological disorders.
must therefore focus on the word "invaded". pervasive developmental disorder is a combination of features that are part of the human being, but with invasiveness, preventing the development called "normal "the person affected.
The same characteristics that can be found in the population, are so invasive to the person with ASD, they can prevent the development of language, they cause significant delays in the various spheres of development. They prevent people from fonctionner "normalement" compliquant le quotidien de celles-ci. Même la personne atteinte "légèrement" aura toujours besoin d'une aide adaptée pour pouvoir fonctionner adéquatement dans la société.
Pour certains enfants c'est ÉVIDENT. Comme l'autisme de kanner. Pour certains autres, c'est tellement dans la subtilité qu'il est facile de faire l'interprétation de l'enfant capricieux, mal éduqué. La différence entre les deux c'est que l'autisme style kanner, le trouble parait clairement de l'extérieur alors que pour un enfant moins atteint, le trouble est indeed present, but hidden inside because the child does not show physical signs of the disorder (rocking, flapping, self-mutilation, self-stimulation of style alignment, turn on itself etc..).
It's hard to understand and represent this different way of absorbing information. Because pervasive developmental disorder, is information that comes differently. His treatment is not like ours . For a parent with the disorder is really well hidden inside, it's hard to explain and even more, to explain it to others. By
example, in the person spraying (typical or atypical) information between the brain too quickly. They will record every detail of their environment DESPITE them. All information between at breakneck speed, leaving them barely enough time to properly treat it. They make associations on details that do not usually comment, so a simple change like the color of curtains in a room can be a source of anguish and incomprehension. It is as if the universe was broken.
A crack in a glass does not cause the same kind of emotions that a normal child. A child may have trouble seeing her favorite glass broken, in person TED is more complex, its environment, its universe is built from a picture, and this image is destroyed by a single crack, completely unbalanced the balance of his universe. TED person must work hard to restore this balance with different tools. Some will physically (flapping etc. ..) other live crisis of nonsense before you can restore this balance, leading to some powerful attacks, some will do so in a way more subtle, because they have learned over time to manage themselves, from the inside, this problem.
When trying to explain what kind of detail is difficult, because we have absolutely nothing to prove our "theory." As parents, what is even more difficult c ' is not to get lost in there, because we must constantly think about this differently to interfere with our children. It's more complex than the mere whim of the little frightened child or transient childhood.
pervasive developmental disorder is complex and unfortunately there will never be clear and precise definition.
*** extended phenotype of autism
*** The broader phenotype of autism it is these characteristics that can be found in a person, they are more invasive than average, but not sufficient to come up with a diagnosis of pervasive developmental disorder.
It is very common to find some people in the "extended phenotype" of the siblings and parents of the child TED due to the genetic component.
Personally I often say that the person in the extended phenotype to a part of the internal structure PDD but not totally. Besides, I think that is the case in the light spectrum of PDD, children with diagnosed mild to thus in an internal working party in the TED and party in the internal NT. What complicates even more when explaining the disorder to the family and friends.
What is the pervasive developmental disorder?
Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) is a set of severe developmental disorders of the child, including cognitive, social, emotional, intellectual, sensory and the acquisition of language. Autism is the most famous example.
Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) have in common an association of three categories de symptômes : les troubles de la communication verbale et non verbale, les troubles des relations sociales, des centres d'intérêts restreints et/ou des conduites répétitives. Les personnes atteintes de TED ont du mal à s’adapter aux changements de l’environnement. La sévérité des symptômes est variable d’une personne à l’autre. La variabilité de l’expression clinique résulte non seulement du degré d’autisme qui diffère d’une personne à l’autre mais aussi de l’association des TED à d’autres troubles (retard mental, troubles moteurs, sensoriels et perceptifs, épilepsie…)
ASD is generally reported in the first years of life. To submit a PDD must have:
severe disorders of communication: difficulty with language and decoding, echolalia, be non-verbal, etc.;.
Attacks neuro-sensory: the dysfunction of the five senses cause bizarre behavior and stereotypic survival in people. Abnormal behavioral manifestations are related to their neurological and chemical.
This leads ...
disorders of socialization: the autistic wants to interact but can not because of his disability.
These problems may be of varying intensity or appear differently depending on the disease. Some people with ASD can function normally in society while others require supervision 24 hours 24.
Have you found the answer in the explanations quoted above? Probably not, probably not more than me when I began my efforts.
is a difficult question to answer, and answers are vague as well as the pervasive developmental disorder is something of little concrete to set.
We find essentially the same problem in the explanation of the various neurological disorders that exist. These are problems "in the head," disorders that can not see, we can not show, explain the physical.
If you ask, what's a broken arm, it's easy to present an image to understand what it is. It can be seen by radiography, and above there is NO room for interpretation.
Parents approach to diagnosis seeking answers as possible specific to a disorder that is not even.
Parents who just had a diagnosis would better understand how it fits their child. Distinguish between "pervasive develop" their children and normal reactions to their child.
Parents who just had a diagnosis would be better able to explain to their family, friends.
is a question for which the answers are hard to find, because it speaks of a invisible disability and its characteristics may lead to different interpretations .
Even more difficult, anything you can say verbally (even in writing), to try to explain, will be questioned, compared, destroyed ... because eventually everyone will say "I ....."
It's easy, with an invisible disability, to accuse the parents, lack of discipline, authority, say the experts are wrong (ok yes it can happen! là n'est pas le débat), parce qu'on ne peut pas VOIR et PROUVER hors de tout doute le trouble en question.
Encore plus compliqué, le trouble envahissant de l'époque était clair, c'était l'autisme de kanner, le cliché qui traverse encore l'esprit des personnes qui entendent le mot "AUTISME". C'était facile, on le reconnaissait sans problème, il avait l'air "débile", n'entrait pas en contact avec les gens, était tout ce qu'il y a de plus "dans sa bulle". On le reconnaissait par les crises, le balancement dans un coin. J'exagère "à peine".
Mais aujourd'hui? How can we explain this? Through the skyrocketing diagnoses and broadening the criteria? How can it be explained by comparing a Kanner autism (classic) and a child diagnosed with "mild" or even what we call a person in the "broader phenotype of autism *".
At the main question, what the pervasive developmental disorder , I would say that it is a group of disorders, characteristics found in the normal population.
I certainly will not help you with this answer, and yet it in part the key to understanding with the least possible interpretation, what the pervasive developmental disorder.
The pervasive develop is a collection of features and problems seen in the population. The person who has difficulty sustaining the gaze of the speaker. The man who lives with a very specific routine or it can be an anxiety attack. These people have a phobia of balloons bursting. Those who have their ears because there's a sound too loud. Those who feel physically ill in a place where there are too many people.
You can, without difficulty, noting such characteristics in yourself, your neighbor, your brother, your spouse, your teacher.
We often hear about the characteristics TED. The characteristics of pervasive developmental disorder are as follows .... The problem as I have related above, it is instantaneous, the interpretation is possible, and believe me the people jump (without wickedness) the opportunity to make it with "yes, but ...".
Parents are exhausted trying to explain, and let go often taken when they are always answers the famous "yes ... but my neighbor .... ..."
So start by setting that's something I really repeats as possible, features called TED are in fact normal features of the human.
If we solve the problem of interpretation, we can perhaps better explain what the pervasive developmental disorder.
The term "characteristics TED" is confusing. Because we find these characteristics in the population quite normal and are found also in several other neurological disorders.
must therefore focus on the word "invaded". pervasive developmental disorder is a combination of features that are part of the human being, but with invasiveness, preventing the development called "normal "the person affected.
The same characteristics that can be found in the population, are so invasive to the person with ASD, they can prevent the development of language, they cause significant delays in the various spheres of development. They prevent people from fonctionner "normalement" compliquant le quotidien de celles-ci. Même la personne atteinte "légèrement" aura toujours besoin d'une aide adaptée pour pouvoir fonctionner adéquatement dans la société.
Pour certains enfants c'est ÉVIDENT. Comme l'autisme de kanner. Pour certains autres, c'est tellement dans la subtilité qu'il est facile de faire l'interprétation de l'enfant capricieux, mal éduqué. La différence entre les deux c'est que l'autisme style kanner, le trouble parait clairement de l'extérieur alors que pour un enfant moins atteint, le trouble est indeed present, but hidden inside because the child does not show physical signs of the disorder (rocking, flapping, self-mutilation, self-stimulation of style alignment, turn on itself etc..).
It's hard to understand and represent this different way of absorbing information. Because pervasive developmental disorder, is information that comes differently. His treatment is not like ours . For a parent with the disorder is really well hidden inside, it's hard to explain and even more, to explain it to others. By
example, in the person spraying (typical or atypical) information between the brain too quickly. They will record every detail of their environment DESPITE them. All information between at breakneck speed, leaving them barely enough time to properly treat it. They make associations on details that do not usually comment, so a simple change like the color of curtains in a room can be a source of anguish and incomprehension. It is as if the universe was broken.
A crack in a glass does not cause the same kind of emotions that a normal child. A child may have trouble seeing her favorite glass broken, in person TED is more complex, its environment, its universe is built from a picture, and this image is destroyed by a single crack, completely unbalanced the balance of his universe. TED person must work hard to restore this balance with different tools. Some will physically (flapping etc. ..) other live crisis of nonsense before you can restore this balance, leading to some powerful attacks, some will do so in a way more subtle, because they have learned over time to manage themselves, from the inside, this problem.
When trying to explain what kind of detail is difficult, because we have absolutely nothing to prove our "theory." As parents, what is even more difficult c ' is not to get lost in there, because we must constantly think about this differently to interfere with our children. It's more complex than the mere whim of the little frightened child or transient childhood.
pervasive developmental disorder is complex and unfortunately there will never be clear and precise definition.
*** extended phenotype of autism
*** The broader phenotype of autism it is these characteristics that can be found in a person, they are more invasive than average, but not sufficient to come up with a diagnosis of pervasive developmental disorder.
It is very common to find some people in the "extended phenotype" of the siblings and parents of the child TED due to the genetic component.
Personally I often say that the person in the extended phenotype to a part of the internal structure PDD but not totally. Besides, I think that is the case in the light spectrum of PDD, children with diagnosed mild to thus in an internal working party in the TED and party in the internal NT. What complicates even more when explaining the disorder to the family and friends.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Eyebrow Designer In Las Vegas
The little things, they are actually mundane things we do not usually comment. These little things that make the lives of parents with a different child a mountain in Russia.
The little things that details are so precise, that make us a little crazy ...
A drop of water onto a cup.
A hair caught between the toes.
A Care Bears placed upside down on the pillow.
A pillow turned upside down.
A piece of cake which was defeated.
A seed block which fell to the floor.
A ceiling fan running.
sleeve sweater reported.
Hat "evil" attached.
dish "too hot".
A dog that falls in the snow.
a manhole.
An instruction booklet.
A vieu chair.
A light flashes.
Stairs cons without reversing.
I could probably continue the list but these are the ideas that come to mind right now. Besides, I'm relatively lucky, because for some families, these little things are much more invasive and complicated.
These little things can be a source of stimulation, a source of anxiety, the source of drama.
These little things are finally "see" before they arrive. These little things are so numerous, they are far from being "nothing" in the life of the child and his parents.
These little things lead regular judgments of any kind. Child king, ill-bred, parent without authority ... caprice ...
With these little things that must go through the days. Some days are easier, and the "little things" do not seem too intrusive, and other days they bring to manage crises over crises, to the "police" to wreak havoc.
The wet cup is a small thing that brings a little girl in tears. It must be wiped, and do not forget a drop. It's a little something new, probably passenger, who still lead us to question. Why this sudden disturbing detail is the point of bringing a girl into tears?
stairs without cons-start was a little girl screaming, trembling in every limb, when it was time to climb.
vieu The chair, the instruction booklet, or any other commonplace that "tail" in the house, makes a terrific impact on the life of the big girl. Relinquishing an ordinary object is difficult, stressful, source of tears. Especially avoid throwing directly into the garbage, because the villain garbage truck may break. Consider details such as into a bag, to avoid seeing the famous object falling directly into the truck. If it is in a bag will prevent an anxiety attack.
the manhole, or "manhole", may boy to get into the middle of the street to watch the water fall, throwing rocks into the small holes, and read letters used found.
A dog that falls in the snow, it's a tragedy, period. A drama that attempts to transform into pleasure. He likes that the dog snow is not serious, it can dry.
Hat "Unsecured". Oh! Because he often asks me to tie my boy his hat when his dad is already done.
The sleeves of sweaters that do not fall right??? It handles the lower right! Because son will not fail to notice this detail and pull himself on the sleeves of your sweater to replace them.
A piece of cake which was defeated, could lead to see the full égrainnée cake on the table.
A seed block that falls, it is obvious that the other seeds should follow the first. Do not ask me why I just nonsense, le groupe a été "séparé" ?
Un plat trop chaud. La chaleur tout court. Parce que même que dès que ce n'est pas FROID... on doit souffler. Chaud ou pas, impossible de manger si on a pas souffler sur TOUS les aliments de l'assiette.
Un ventilateur au plafond d'une épicerie, attention au poteau devant, il se pourrait que fiston se pète la tête une millième fois.
Un cheveux pris entre les orteils. Oui un cheveux. Parce que c'est une extrême sensibilité chez la minie puce, RIEN ne doit aller entre les orteils. C'est une terreur qui la fera figer sur place, hurlant à plein poumon. C'est une peur si intense qu'elle a même de la difficulté to accept the explanation and see someone else touching her "between-toe."
For me it is "nothing", I know that in some live much longer, but it's crazy that all the details ended up having to watch, sometimes we have to guess, like son this morning twice fell down the stairs, he looked "a little something" that I never guessed. Sometimes it is stunning, no one knows where to head!
The Small Things is also small things that become a source of wonder. Details that do not usually comment. As
son that tonight, we showed our new companion, calling him by name. Yet we have not taught him directly, but he himself has shown us the rabbit saying his name!
hear is a true YES to 4 ½ years.
Life with a different child is full of "little things" that are ultimately "something big".
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Patron Saint Occupational Therapists
Show me bobo
"Show me" is the key phrase. Tommy does not yet include the "where" but includes "show me".
"Bobo" is something very abstract to a child ASD. It hurts, but the word associated with pain is two things. And what having trouble??
When Tommy was hitting, hitting his head and had me crying hot tears I kept saying "Tommy is crying, Tommy has a boo boo." The goal is that it starts to make the association of "sorrow" at his word.
Before Christmas Tommy has had an ear infection. He came to me and putting his finger in the ear. We still continued by saying "Tommy has a sore in his ear."
At 4 ½ years, imagine me, a bit mad with joy the day when Tommy showed me again that he had an earache and was able to answer the question "Show I hurt! ". 4 ½ years! FINALLY! The step that I find most painful of the young baby who cries and can not tell us where it hurts would soon be behind me with Tommy.
is quite a success and a big step forward for us and for Tommy.
However, as with almost any child with ASD, it's not as simple as that, and it does not stop there.
Tommy told me now "sore ear!".
By cons, is that he will tell us the intensity of pain? No. It will not one day tell us that it is more or less badly. As he can not tell us that pain is gone. It could even
stuck to respond "bobo ear" as soon as we asked "Show me bobo!" Because for him the association will be made, I say listen to the question.
was an important step, but the following is equally important and is probably more complex to teach. I can not measure the pain or his "no pain".
The other problem, what is a bobo? For us it's a pain, it hurts! For Tommy, a bobo is rather a change of perception in his body. It could be his leg itchy, water in her eyes, have the nose or ears plugged, numbness. We are far from "bobo" as we know it.
It is also found with a child who could start abusing the use of the word "bobo", starting to say to all those famous bohemian changes perception. So it would be like being at square one of not knowing when it really hurts.
also means a child who this morning went to her room humming, "bobo ears, sore on his head on the foot sore, sore ears, sore on his head, sore on the foot ...!"
This is not easy is that Tommy would we snatched, literally pain. Yesterday he hit his foot and took my hand so I took away his bobo. This is obviously impossible, but equally difficult to understand for Tommy, who insists gripe, taking my hand and repeating "sore foot".
It's a great success for us that Tommy can express discomfort, but also a good example of the complexity of learning!
"Show me" is the key phrase. Tommy does not yet include the "where" but includes "show me".
"Bobo" is something very abstract to a child ASD. It hurts, but the word associated with pain is two things. And what having trouble??
When Tommy was hitting, hitting his head and had me crying hot tears I kept saying "Tommy is crying, Tommy has a boo boo." The goal is that it starts to make the association of "sorrow" at his word.
Before Christmas Tommy has had an ear infection. He came to me and putting his finger in the ear. We still continued by saying "Tommy has a sore in his ear."
At 4 ½ years, imagine me, a bit mad with joy the day when Tommy showed me again that he had an earache and was able to answer the question "Show I hurt! ". 4 ½ years! FINALLY! The step that I find most painful of the young baby who cries and can not tell us where it hurts would soon be behind me with Tommy.
is quite a success and a big step forward for us and for Tommy.
However, as with almost any child with ASD, it's not as simple as that, and it does not stop there.
Tommy told me now "sore ear!".
By cons, is that he will tell us the intensity of pain? No. It will not one day tell us that it is more or less badly. As he can not tell us that pain is gone. It could even
stuck to respond "bobo ear" as soon as we asked "Show me bobo!" Because for him the association will be made, I say listen to the question.
was an important step, but the following is equally important and is probably more complex to teach. I can not measure the pain or his "no pain".
The other problem, what is a bobo? For us it's a pain, it hurts! For Tommy, a bobo is rather a change of perception in his body. It could be his leg itchy, water in her eyes, have the nose or ears plugged, numbness. We are far from "bobo" as we know it.
It is also found with a child who could start abusing the use of the word "bobo", starting to say to all those famous bohemian changes perception. So it would be like being at square one of not knowing when it really hurts.
also means a child who this morning went to her room humming, "bobo ears, sore on his head on the foot sore, sore ears, sore on his head, sore on the foot ...!"
This is not easy is that Tommy would we snatched, literally pain. Yesterday he hit his foot and took my hand so I took away his bobo. This is obviously impossible, but equally difficult to understand for Tommy, who insists gripe, taking my hand and repeating "sore foot".
It's a great success for us that Tommy can express discomfort, but also a good example of the complexity of learning!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Eye Exercises For Ptoss
It may sound easy but ...
this week I was chatting with someone. I came to want to write this text, but without knowing where to start.
Many parents will recognize themselves here, we often say that it does not look so bad. I often say, when the child leaves the cliche of autistic fifties, it's not that bad!
I'm often told that it looks good to go with Tommy. It is a happy child, smiling, laughing. He starts trying to talk more. He does not complain of practically nothing. It follows him everywhere without saying anything, he does not many crises.
I can say somehow we are lucky and blessed with son. It could be worse right?
is the observation that some people do. Yet between appearances and reality, the requirement of everyday life, there's a big margin.
All parents of children (NT, PDD or other) will agree that raising a child, even the wisest and most obedient of all is anything but easy.
is demanding, physically and psychologically. We learn our parenting daily at the same time our children go through stages one after the other, leaving us scarcely time to breathe and celebrate the final victory.
Parents of children in "terrible two" will tell you. We spend the intense phase of the "terrible two years," All Aboard in toilet training is just one or should think about changing the child's bed, you breathe a little help and the child falls into a small crisis of affirmation of three years at the same time that the phase of protracted why. Subsequently the pre adolescent crisis of four years taking in, we think it settles and oupsss school entry and challenges come in leaps and bounds with a child who brings the "mania" and bad habits of friends by Thinking the king of the house!
I'll stop there, every parent knows that it goes up .... until when?
Well, if you do understand that raising a child is already a big challenge for all parents (and what is not said as a complaint but an observation), you understand the fact why even be told, we parents of different children, it's not that bad in the end it may be angry, hurt.
The discussion this week led me to explain that yes in fact appear, and the reality is true that Tommy is not so bad if we want to begin to compare, but it does not remove the challenge of bringing up a child + the challenge of educating a disabled child.
Tommy is a child smiling, happy, laughing, but it is also a child like any other which has sometimes just "no desire". Not want to stop the activity, do not want to listen to a broadcast on television X, do not want to take his medication for his ear infection, do not want to eat ... not want to drink the glass of water was offered. That's the challenge of the parent of every day. By cons, we add the challenge understanding. We can forget the "son, you can resume your work later," the "is your sister's turn to choose the TV show", "must take medication to cure it is important." We saw the challenges of education of the child "normal" with an extra which can sometimes give headaches! We see a child crying bitterly because he needs to complete an activity knowing that it probably does not even why. It has trouble with him, while having to do our job as parents.
Tommy is not so bad. He made tremendous progress so for people who do not live daily life, it's nice to see. "You should be happy, it's better, it's getting better." Of course we're happy, encouraged, but the progress is more, the greater the requirement in our role as parents / parents of an autistic child increases. Progress comes with biggest challenges. A psychological need stronger. For example, communication. A child who asks for nothing, it's pretty simple. He played in his corner, did not ask to drink, eat, play. A child who learns to ask for things, you know, this is not always restful. "I want Mamannnnnnnnn ....." (I need not say more, you know !!!). Progress communication leads to this challenge as a parent. The child asks, and must also learn to be told no, wait ... And we are added to the challenge "I ask but I do not understand that I must wait, we can not tell me." I lost count the number of times in a day when I am pulled by the arm, or that I'm asking, "Mommy I want xhsysy .... Now I have to play the guessing game, I manage VERY frequent requests plus a child who does not understand that I am before a round hot to cook dinner. I see a sad little man in front of a refusal, because he just does not the concept. He must learn that I can not say no. Of course it includes the "NO", but it does not really understand why he is denied something he has tried so hard to ask. Tonight he was crying. He asked me a chocolate biscuit, then two, then three ... and he wept bitterly, but it is not yet at the stage of understanding why he can not have another cookie.
Behind progress there is still the autistic child. The little guy who can sing and turn on itself several minutes. The little boy who could easily lose out. The little boy in a winter day in the house alternates between align, rotate, apply, align, ask, ask, ask, but ask what? He did not even know himself, stunning even by the fact his parents.
People are often proud to see all the progress and tell us. "Wow, it's fun, things are going well, he is progressing well. "But I question whether they realize how each advance brings new challenges larger and sometimes more exhausting. We might even appear at the limit for parents dissatisfied, not grateful and yet this is not the case. We are proud of our child, we are pleased to see progress, but the adjustment that comes with enormous energy demand.
*** I did not write this text under the blow of a depression. I think many parents will recognize. ***
this week I was chatting with someone. I came to want to write this text, but without knowing where to start.
Many parents will recognize themselves here, we often say that it does not look so bad. I often say, when the child leaves the cliche of autistic fifties, it's not that bad!
I'm often told that it looks good to go with Tommy. It is a happy child, smiling, laughing. He starts trying to talk more. He does not complain of practically nothing. It follows him everywhere without saying anything, he does not many crises.
I can say somehow we are lucky and blessed with son. It could be worse right?
is the observation that some people do. Yet between appearances and reality, the requirement of everyday life, there's a big margin.
All parents of children (NT, PDD or other) will agree that raising a child, even the wisest and most obedient of all is anything but easy.
is demanding, physically and psychologically. We learn our parenting daily at the same time our children go through stages one after the other, leaving us scarcely time to breathe and celebrate the final victory.
Parents of children in "terrible two" will tell you. We spend the intense phase of the "terrible two years," All Aboard in toilet training is just one or should think about changing the child's bed, you breathe a little help and the child falls into a small crisis of affirmation of three years at the same time that the phase of protracted why. Subsequently the pre adolescent crisis of four years taking in, we think it settles and oupsss school entry and challenges come in leaps and bounds with a child who brings the "mania" and bad habits of friends by Thinking the king of the house!
I'll stop there, every parent knows that it goes up .... until when?
Well, if you do understand that raising a child is already a big challenge for all parents (and what is not said as a complaint but an observation), you understand the fact why even be told, we parents of different children, it's not that bad in the end it may be angry, hurt.
The discussion this week led me to explain that yes in fact appear, and the reality is true that Tommy is not so bad if we want to begin to compare, but it does not remove the challenge of bringing up a child + the challenge of educating a disabled child.
Tommy is a child smiling, happy, laughing, but it is also a child like any other which has sometimes just "no desire". Not want to stop the activity, do not want to listen to a broadcast on television X, do not want to take his medication for his ear infection, do not want to eat ... not want to drink the glass of water was offered. That's the challenge of the parent of every day. By cons, we add the challenge understanding. We can forget the "son, you can resume your work later," the "is your sister's turn to choose the TV show", "must take medication to cure it is important." We saw the challenges of education of the child "normal" with an extra which can sometimes give headaches! We see a child crying bitterly because he needs to complete an activity knowing that it probably does not even why. It has trouble with him, while having to do our job as parents.
Tommy is not so bad. He made tremendous progress so for people who do not live daily life, it's nice to see. "You should be happy, it's better, it's getting better." Of course we're happy, encouraged, but the progress is more, the greater the requirement in our role as parents / parents of an autistic child increases. Progress comes with biggest challenges. A psychological need stronger. For example, communication. A child who asks for nothing, it's pretty simple. He played in his corner, did not ask to drink, eat, play. A child who learns to ask for things, you know, this is not always restful. "I want Mamannnnnnnnn ....." (I need not say more, you know !!!). Progress communication leads to this challenge as a parent. The child asks, and must also learn to be told no, wait ... And we are added to the challenge "I ask but I do not understand that I must wait, we can not tell me." I lost count the number of times in a day when I am pulled by the arm, or that I'm asking, "Mommy I want xhsysy .... Now I have to play the guessing game, I manage VERY frequent requests plus a child who does not understand that I am before a round hot to cook dinner. I see a sad little man in front of a refusal, because he just does not the concept. He must learn that I can not say no. Of course it includes the "NO", but it does not really understand why he is denied something he has tried so hard to ask. Tonight he was crying. He asked me a chocolate biscuit, then two, then three ... and he wept bitterly, but it is not yet at the stage of understanding why he can not have another cookie.
Behind progress there is still the autistic child. The little guy who can sing and turn on itself several minutes. The little boy who could easily lose out. The little boy in a winter day in the house alternates between align, rotate, apply, align, ask, ask, ask, but ask what? He did not even know himself, stunning even by the fact his parents.
People are often proud to see all the progress and tell us. "Wow, it's fun, things are going well, he is progressing well. "But I question whether they realize how each advance brings new challenges larger and sometimes more exhausting. We might even appear at the limit for parents dissatisfied, not grateful and yet this is not the case. We are proud of our child, we are pleased to see progress, but the adjustment that comes with enormous energy demand.
*** I did not write this text under the blow of a depression. I think many parents will recognize. ***
Print From Gmail Without Logo
La fashion week à NYC, superbe.
1) Thakoon :
One of my designers Favorites. It lends a fresh incredible fashion, and it was much needed! He loves to mix colors and shapes on the same place, going to the mercy of his desires. The cuts are modern and harmonious. Materials "noble" as tweed, find their account with softer materials, which would almost cheap if not colorful and well accessorized. The tweed jackets, precisely, are very spotty and bicolor fluorescent, as if the locker room was broke into the winter. Even the nails are neon. The autumn-winter season will be released and gay Thakoon for Monsieur.
2) Alexander Wang :
Another young talented designer, Alexander Wang which has become in recent months the catwalk star in New York. Eagerly awaited as every season, his show does not disappoint. He managed to construct an image of rock star prodigy of fashion, it meets well. What struck me in this collection is the transformation materials in one place: they "moult" on dresses, to create a second skin, which may seem strange at first glance but turn out beautiful if you look closely, and especially patience. The passes are very important, mostly fur. Transparency key, which defines the bi-material between silk and wool, fur and lamé. I felt that as a spirit a little sport-chic Alexander Wang is a game more cautious than before, but always as much fun, and it shows.
3) Rodarte :
Probably the parade as I expected. The sisters Kate and Laura Mulleavy are endlessly surprising and attentive to detail, and it is necessary to watch the parade several times to capture somehow that spirit, that they alone can decipher. I tried to understand, and even with my little novicité that may seem childish, I understood. For this parade, the superposition is repeated without seeming: Clothes overlap, as well as printed materials. It is key not to be missed. Also the length: long skirts, coats, too. Show an almost 70's in form, if the colors had not been so sweet. The wheat will plunge almost printed in the heart of the fields in summer. But remember that it's winter. The boots are essential. Boots revisited in print almost ethnic, black and white opposition of the show so sweet and peaceful contrast noticed and appreciated.
4) Jeremy Scott :
Jeremy Scott, who is for me the creative provocation from the New York fashion week, has plenty of surprises. For this collection, I would say that teen-girl-kawaii manga are queens. Many colors side outfits, as usual, but also in hair, eyes and cheeks. Of neon and over again, especially on the fur and bag teddy bear. This is not a bad idea, because "security blankets" for fashionistas are their (s) Bag (s) first, so why not do the real fluff! The blade is much emphasized well. And Mr. Scott even dared to print dresses. Printed LOOOOOOL pills .... I love it.
5) Oscar de la Renta :
European Inspirations for Mr. From Renta, who this time get his inspiration in Russia and Siberia, from my point of view. The fur on the sleeves or button collar, fur hat, everything is there! But associated with the straw, which gives NYC real side. I think that will also print jacquard for next winter, cross-legged tweed this time, which gives a softer side to printed Alps. The quilt is obvious here, but Oscar de la Renta and the sublime turns perfectly.
I would not call Marc Jacobs, Proenza Schouler or . Not that I did not like their collections on the contrary! But I wrote spontaneously on the catwalks above 5, then I block for them, I can not describe well, it's still a little fuzzy for me. So, for the appointment of London fashion week, a little shorter (6 days) but also interesting!
Fashion never takes a rest, the haute couture fashion shows are just completed a fashion week again. The creators are ready for fashion week fall winter 2011 2012 Ready-to-wear, and New York took the reins as every year. I make my selection from the shows I had seen in pictures, not because I did not go to NYC ... but I liked it anyway. In short, without further ado: The selection of parades in New York by Noumia's papers. Finally from me, what:
1) Thakoon :
One of my designers Favorites. It lends a fresh incredible fashion, and it was much needed! He loves to mix colors and shapes on the same place, going to the mercy of his desires. The cuts are modern and harmonious. Materials "noble" as tweed, find their account with softer materials, which would almost cheap if not colorful and well accessorized. The tweed jackets, precisely, are very spotty and bicolor fluorescent, as if the locker room was broke into the winter. Even the nails are neon. The autumn-winter season will be released and gay Thakoon for Monsieur.
2) Alexander Wang :
Another young talented designer, Alexander Wang which has become in recent months the catwalk star in New York. Eagerly awaited as every season, his show does not disappoint. He managed to construct an image of rock star prodigy of fashion, it meets well. What struck me in this collection is the transformation materials in one place: they "moult" on dresses, to create a second skin, which may seem strange at first glance but turn out beautiful if you look closely, and especially patience. The passes are very important, mostly fur. Transparency key, which defines the bi-material between silk and wool, fur and lamé. I felt that as a spirit a little sport-chic Alexander Wang is a game more cautious than before, but always as much fun, and it shows.
3) Rodarte :
Probably the parade as I expected. The sisters Kate and Laura Mulleavy are endlessly surprising and attentive to detail, and it is necessary to watch the parade several times to capture somehow that spirit, that they alone can decipher. I tried to understand, and even with my little novicité that may seem childish, I understood. For this parade, the superposition is repeated without seeming: Clothes overlap, as well as printed materials. It is key not to be missed. Also the length: long skirts, coats, too. Show an almost 70's in form, if the colors had not been so sweet. The wheat will plunge almost printed in the heart of the fields in summer. But remember that it's winter. The boots are essential. Boots revisited in print almost ethnic, black and white opposition of the show so sweet and peaceful contrast noticed and appreciated.
4) Jeremy Scott :
Jeremy Scott, who is for me the creative provocation from the New York fashion week, has plenty of surprises. For this collection, I would say that teen-girl-kawaii manga are queens. Many colors side outfits, as usual, but also in hair, eyes and cheeks. Of neon and over again, especially on the fur and bag teddy bear. This is not a bad idea, because "security blankets" for fashionistas are their (s) Bag (s) first, so why not do the real fluff! The blade is much emphasized well. And Mr. Scott even dared to print dresses. Printed LOOOOOOL pills .... I love it.
5) Oscar de la Renta :
European Inspirations for Mr. From Renta, who this time get his inspiration in Russia and Siberia, from my point of view. The fur on the sleeves or button collar, fur hat, everything is there! But associated with the straw, which gives NYC real side. I think that will also print jacquard for next winter, cross-legged tweed this time, which gives a softer side to printed Alps. The quilt is obvious here, but Oscar de la Renta and the sublime turns perfectly.
I would not call Marc Jacobs, Proenza Schouler or . Not that I did not like their collections on the contrary! But I wrote spontaneously on the catwalks above 5, then I block for them, I can not describe well, it's still a little fuzzy for me. So, for the appointment of London fashion week, a little shorter (6 days) but also interesting!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Milena Velba Free Videa
Le projet « Shetland-Circus » issu du projet d’établissement Public Médico-social
ESPACES de Tressé vise à communiquer auprès du grand public sur l’existence même des personnes adultes déficientes de foyer occupationnel en France. La démarche qui a vu le jour il y a plus de 10 ans a permis de faire connaître d’une façon valorisante ces personnes en prenant appui sur un travail mené autour de la préparation d’un spectacle équestre aux couleurs de la Mongolie utilisant des poneys shetland, objet d’un 1er film documentaire, « Shetland-Circus ». Après ce premier épisode autour de la troupe Shetland-Circus led by Daniel Joly, educator specialized technical, and supported by the Culture and Recreation Association, the adventure has continued to the ends of the Mongolian steppes. Despite the support given by the Conseil Général de Maine et Loire and numerous private partners to the proposed trip. This extraordinary human adventure can not remain unanswered. The film was shot, it must reflect the skills and opportunities of people in a state of disability. This film will not be forgotten in the coils of a history so your support, the support of the general public comes to the aid of this evidence to permit the broadcast of "The Adventure Shetland Circus "through these two films and this DVD. Thus, we appeal for donations for that, despite the difficulties encountered during our journey, we can with the support of each finance the production of a videotape about the life of the residents of occupational center you will find Below is a provisional jacket, and the purchase order.
Radio Haute Angevine invite you to visit the website for details.
Le projet « Shetland-Circus » issu du projet d’établissement Public Médico-social
ESPACES de Tressé vise à communiquer auprès du grand public sur l’existence même des personnes adultes déficientes de foyer occupationnel en France. La démarche qui a vu le jour il y a plus de 10 ans a permis de faire connaître d’une façon valorisante ces personnes en prenant appui sur un travail mené autour de la préparation d’un spectacle équestre aux couleurs de la Mongolie utilisant des poneys shetland, objet d’un 1er film documentaire, « Shetland-Circus ». Après ce premier épisode autour de la troupe Shetland-Circus led by Daniel Joly, educator specialized technical, and supported by the Culture and Recreation Association, the adventure has continued to the ends of the Mongolian steppes. Despite the support given by the Conseil Général de Maine et Loire and numerous private partners to the proposed trip. This extraordinary human adventure can not remain unanswered. The film was shot, it must reflect the skills and opportunities of people in a state of disability. This film will not be forgotten in the coils of a history so your support, the support of the general public comes to the aid of this evidence to permit the broadcast of "The Adventure Shetland Circus "through these two films and this DVD. Thus, we appeal for donations for that, despite the difficulties encountered during our journey, we can with the support of each finance the production of a videotape about the life of the residents of occupational center you will find Below is a provisional jacket, and the purchase order.
Radio Haute Angevine invite you to visit the website for details.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Dad 60th Birthday Speech
MOBY download his latest single
Moby : discover the new video for "Be The One " and download for free.
The new album which is scheduled for release May 16, 2011. Titled" Destroyed ", is today surrounded by the greatest mystery. It will undoubtedly be written and produced by the singer.
To download the new title of moby click the link below!
and enter your email address.
You can explore other two titles on his website in the news section Victoria Lucas and Sevastopol
Moby : discover the new video for "Be The One " and download for free.
The new album which is scheduled for release May 16, 2011. Titled" Destroyed ", is today surrounded by the greatest mystery. It will undoubtedly be written and produced by the singer.
To download the new title of moby click the link below!
and enter your email address.
You can explore other two titles on his website in the news section Victoria Lucas and Sevastopol
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Templete Ofpaper Tx Driver License
Can we put something clear
is a topic that I regularly back, and I hope that helps to do a little better pass the message on the famous LABEL.
seems that many have difficulty understanding the need for this label and sees it as "bad".
Worse, it's more than once, enough for me brings the subject, I read, it would seem we do not see the label in our children.
I read it in one place, of course, not clearly written but it is said between the lines. We should see HUMAN instead of TED.
When trying to explain the difficulties of our child and that is answer "in my time, there was no need to label them, it was just kids."
And yesterday I saw this movie , which I understand very well the message BUT.
I want to answer loud and clear: "Will you take us for idiots?" Because honestly, be criticized by people label our children this way is really think we are real monsters.
Yet if one takes the time to sit and think about it, as I already explained there, these people who criticize us those famous labels, also spend their time to ask one. (Lazy, difficult, temperamental, child king ...)
I try to understand again why it is keen to see a negative simple terms that helps us better understand certain situations. As the debate over the use of the word DISABILITY. Why see it negatively, as if to use these "tags" were an injury to the person?
Believe me when I say, I know some parents who took pleasure in seek and apply a label to their child. NO.
I try to understand why use a label, is seen as if we no longer treated our children like humans? Well, you really believe that we see our kids with a label in the front? That's how we see them, walking a big label with a big red X on their personality? Let them be condemned? They are no longer children but only one disorder?
Because if that's really taking the parents of sick children, the disabled, for idiots.
*** The use of "you" is not meant to indict specific people or to generalize the situation. The you is for those who do not seem to understand, because even if "you" (viewing time) are a superb understanding, this is not true of everyone.
No text is not written after a comment directed at me personally so do not worry! ***
is a topic that I regularly back, and I hope that helps to do a little better pass the message on the famous LABEL.
seems that many have difficulty understanding the need for this label and sees it as "bad".
Worse, it's more than once, enough for me brings the subject, I read, it would seem we do not see the label in our children.
I read it in one place, of course, not clearly written but it is said between the lines. We should see HUMAN instead of TED.
When trying to explain the difficulties of our child and that is answer "in my time, there was no need to label them, it was just kids."
And yesterday I saw this movie , which I understand very well the message BUT.
I want to answer loud and clear: "Will you take us for idiots?" Because honestly, be criticized by people label our children this way is really think we are real monsters.
Yet if one takes the time to sit and think about it, as I already explained there, these people who criticize us those famous labels, also spend their time to ask one. (Lazy, difficult, temperamental, child king ...)
I try to understand again why it is keen to see a negative simple terms that helps us better understand certain situations. As the debate over the use of the word DISABILITY. Why see it negatively, as if to use these "tags" were an injury to the person?
Believe me when I say, I know some parents who took pleasure in seek and apply a label to their child. NO.
I try to understand why use a label, is seen as if we no longer treated our children like humans? Well, you really believe that we see our kids with a label in the front? That's how we see them, walking a big label with a big red X on their personality? Let them be condemned? They are no longer children but only one disorder?
Because if that's really taking the parents of sick children, the disabled, for idiots.
*** The use of "you" is not meant to indict specific people or to generalize the situation. The you is for those who do not seem to understand, because even if "you" (viewing time) are a superb understanding, this is not true of everyone.
No text is not written after a comment directed at me personally so do not worry! ***
Mermaid Dress With Bustle
The last english rose.
few weeks ago, I did not know, or at least somewhat, PJ Harvey. "This Is Love" at the limit, and again. Then I read an article about her in Vogue, without really paying attention. And I heard one of his songs on the radio, and I was a bit challenged. Soon, everyone began talking about her as if she was the 8th wonder of the world. At that time, I started doing my research on Polly Jean Harvey. After listening to his albums, I wondered how I rock fan, I could miss such a marvel.
The album that I liked most is Uh Her Hue it provides everything, really everything. It's rather minimalist rock, bleak times like the song Shame, or even pretty country-folk on No Child of Mine. It is a chameleon universe that I love and that's what might be termed PJ Harvey: A chameleon, assertive and independent. Of course, I would not draw the wrath of "experts" who say that this is not all that and I'd better keep my mouth shut instead of talking nonsense, but that's how I 'I felt.
If I mention this today is that I listened to her new album "Let england shake.
And I was almost surprised. Despite my "no knowledge", I really felt that this album was different precedents. Less dark, less messages, more melancholic and soothing.
What's funny is that me as the biggest fans have noticed the same thing: PJ Harvey is now serene. Looks like she has "abandoned" the rock & roll, the pure, hard, and she turned to indie-pop, much more calm and appropriate. And worse, or better, I do not know is that it suits him well, and no spoilsport will not intervene in the march towards peace by PJ Harvey and quiet strength.
few weeks ago, I did not know, or at least somewhat, PJ Harvey. "This Is Love" at the limit, and again. Then I read an article about her in Vogue, without really paying attention. And I heard one of his songs on the radio, and I was a bit challenged. Soon, everyone began talking about her as if she was the 8th wonder of the world. At that time, I started doing my research on Polly Jean Harvey. After listening to his albums, I wondered how I rock fan, I could miss such a marvel.
The album that I liked most is Uh Her Hue it provides everything, really everything. It's rather minimalist rock, bleak times like the song Shame, or even pretty country-folk on No Child of Mine. It is a chameleon universe that I love and that's what might be termed PJ Harvey: A chameleon, assertive and independent. Of course, I would not draw the wrath of "experts" who say that this is not all that and I'd better keep my mouth shut instead of talking nonsense, but that's how I 'I felt.
And I was almost surprised. Despite my "no knowledge", I really felt that this album was different precedents. Less dark, less messages, more melancholic and soothing.
What's funny is that me as the biggest fans have noticed the same thing: PJ Harvey is now serene. Looks like she has "abandoned" the rock & roll, the pure, hard, and she turned to indie-pop, much more calm and appropriate. And worse, or better, I do not know is that it suits him well, and no spoilsport will not intervene in the march towards peace by PJ Harvey and quiet strength.
Ps3 Menu Size Too Big
Gan Welfare
Ce dépliant de 4 pages aux couleurs de la nouvelle charte graphique du Gan est destiné aux "bons clients".
Ce dépliant de 4 pages aux couleurs de la nouvelle charte graphique du Gan est destiné aux "bons clients".
Monday, February 14, 2011
Tattoo, Burts Bees Wax
Family of the year, the show
I've already talked about the group California Family of the Year. Well I had the chance to see their first concert in France last Friday to leather goods.
When I arrive, there are a lot of people when the concert starts at more than 1 hour! This means they are expected by the Parisian public. Too bad I could not see the first part, provided by Budam, singer and pianist as talented as dramatic. I manage to place first overall (in elbowing), and the concert begins stack at the time. The group begins with a song I like most: Stairs, beginning as a folk romantic stroll and graduate to the tune of drums, in concert at least.
The public is slow to thaw despite calls and Sebastian Keefe Joseph Keefe, the singer and lead guitarist drummer, who are brothers, respectively. Some men declare their love out loud between songs for the keyboardist and the only woman in the group, Christina Schroeter. The songs keep coming, Joseph juggles his folk guitar and electric guitar, sometimes surprisingly putting himself to the frenzied solos Jimmy Page. Sebastian himself, rages on drums and gives everything he has and I can say that the result is electric.
And at that moment, the first notes of gold Like Psyche Scope resonate. The public, until there was enough slack, falls into a kind of collective trance. Including me, I confess (Hysteria is my thing). Same reaction for Castoff and The Barn. These are the three songs the most independent-pop and "electro" album.
The two brothers then leave from the other 2 members of the group, and start an acoustic song, sweet and beautiful. The last song is near, and I try to make the most of this concert full of energy. And enough to give me.
I've already talked about the group California Family of the Year. Well I had the chance to see their first concert in France last Friday to leather goods.
When I arrive, there are a lot of people when the concert starts at more than 1 hour! This means they are expected by the Parisian public. Too bad I could not see the first part, provided by Budam, singer and pianist as talented as dramatic. I manage to place first overall (in elbowing), and the concert begins stack at the time. The group begins with a song I like most: Stairs, beginning as a folk romantic stroll and graduate to the tune of drums, in concert at least.
The public is slow to thaw despite calls and Sebastian Keefe Joseph Keefe, the singer and lead guitarist drummer, who are brothers, respectively. Some men declare their love out loud between songs for the keyboardist and the only woman in the group, Christina Schroeter. The songs keep coming, Joseph juggles his folk guitar and electric guitar, sometimes surprisingly putting himself to the frenzied solos Jimmy Page. Sebastian himself, rages on drums and gives everything he has and I can say that the result is electric.
And at that moment, the first notes of gold Like Psyche Scope resonate. The public, until there was enough slack, falls into a kind of collective trance. Including me, I confess (Hysteria is my thing). Same reaction for Castoff and The Barn. These are the three songs the most independent-pop and "electro" album.
The two brothers then leave from the other 2 members of the group, and start an acoustic song, sweet and beautiful. The last song is near, and I try to make the most of this concert full of energy. And enough to give me.
Discover Playlist Family Of the Year with Family of the Year
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Brazilian Women Ejaculating
The power of drawing
I'll make a confession. Long ago they explain to me and I KNOW we should use the visual for the child TED (and probably several other children for several raisons aussi!). Que ça lui permet de mieux comprendre et intégrer les apprentissages, routines...
Malgré moi on dirait que je n'y arrive pas totalement.
Ok oui Tommy a des pictogrammes, on avait installé un horaire au début avant les services du CRDI, à la garderie il a sa structure visuelle, habillage, brosser les dents, laver les mains etc...
L'éducatrice, et amis, me recommandent souvent d'utiliser, si je suis mal prise, un papier et un crayon et dessiner les explications.
Fait à noter. Je suis POURRIE, litérallement, en dessin. Je ne suis pas très visuelle de nature donc même si on me demande de dessiner quelque chose de simple like a cat, believe it or not, I have trouble!
So, I was often advised to do so if necessary, and often I get discouraged just because I tell myself that if I fail to draw something clear (I'm not talking about perfection here, but how to draw X and an idea that it is easy to understand), how can my boy does he understand?
On the other hand, what it serves me to draw for girls who are quite verbal and seem very well understand the explanations by the word?
I am writing all this, because yes I know the usefulness of the visual, but on the other side I come difficult to tame me and do it.
Last Friday, the little pot was a big penalty. We are 10 minutes of her bedtime and she pulls out an apple from the fridge. She's trying somehow to bite the apple, but she can not (you know when the skin is too thick there and the teeth are just dragging!). She goes to see his dad to remove the peel, and the latter replied that no, it's too late, she has her apple tomorrow.
Parents of any child, you probably understand the reaction that the chip has been mining. Tears ... the tears that drip on his play.
I therefore propose, in good heart for Friday evening, and thinking about my appetite casserole bird, give him a piece and the rest of the apple the next day.
I therefore ask the mining coming to see me, we'll talk!
So I start
"it is late you can get a little bit ......."
not continue my sentence. The word piece, the screams of mining more attractive.
I'm sure the scene you recall the memories!
To me, for cons, it is important to play down the whole with a casserole that has a tendency to see the life as a drama! How to explain it to understand? Because outside the whim of wanting her apple full, I'm not sure that the chip really understands what I try to explain, it will be a piece of apple today and tomorrow to complete.
And I think, to hell with my drawing skills, I am fortunate that the mining casserole understand explanations so even if I draw all wrong I can at least explain what the drawing represents. Jump on the
"Here is the entire apple" (a drawing of an apple)
"Here is the night" (a moon)
"Here's the day" ( sun)
"When it's night, you can have a piece only "
" When is the day you can have your entire apple without the peel.
"Then look out, that night, so what you may have ?
Response casserole: "A Song".
I gave him the painting and offered him to go and show her dad she wanted to explain his piece of apple, because c ' is the only day she can have his entire apple.
I found a small pot smiling, who understood what I was trying to explain.
Yesterday Tommy began to get sick and he vomit.
As I have already explained little pot has a little difficulty with the concept of disease and that is normal at his age.
By cons, this morning, the mining chip rises, having heard his brother scream, cry of pain and fever.
She gets up saying she has a stomach ache here and there. What seems more a representation of the evil of his brother and not his disease to her.
I return to my business when I hear that seems to throw up (as I already explained here ). I'll see what happens and dad told me that she "wants" and throw it to the toilet to force. I'm sure
and that some mining chip is not sick, I'm rather face the problem of understanding. His brother is sick but not her.
She moved with buckets and continues to want to induce vomiting. It takes the
"That's Tommy" (guy with a crooked mouth that looks sick). Tommy is sick.
"This is me (smiley face). I'm not sick.
"That's daddy" (smiley face). Daddy is not sick.
"It is you (smiley face). You're not sick you either.
"Who is sick?" It was Tommy.
"Do you need to vomit and need buckets?" No
"You can go give it to dad and tell him you're okay."
Yet the mining casserole understands the word, she talks like you and me. But the visuals added to the explanation has a different effect. We pass a child in crisis that does not perhaps as much as we think? (It was enormously difficult to know, even the actors can not really identify the real degree of understanding of the pot versus reactions more whims / oppositions etc. ..) To a child who dies down and listen to explanations and calmly responds great.
I'll make a confession. Long ago they explain to me and I KNOW we should use the visual for the child TED (and probably several other children for several raisons aussi!). Que ça lui permet de mieux comprendre et intégrer les apprentissages, routines...
Malgré moi on dirait que je n'y arrive pas totalement.
Ok oui Tommy a des pictogrammes, on avait installé un horaire au début avant les services du CRDI, à la garderie il a sa structure visuelle, habillage, brosser les dents, laver les mains etc...
L'éducatrice, et amis, me recommandent souvent d'utiliser, si je suis mal prise, un papier et un crayon et dessiner les explications.
Fait à noter. Je suis POURRIE, litérallement, en dessin. Je ne suis pas très visuelle de nature donc même si on me demande de dessiner quelque chose de simple like a cat, believe it or not, I have trouble!
So, I was often advised to do so if necessary, and often I get discouraged just because I tell myself that if I fail to draw something clear (I'm not talking about perfection here, but how to draw X and an idea that it is easy to understand), how can my boy does he understand?
On the other hand, what it serves me to draw for girls who are quite verbal and seem very well understand the explanations by the word?
I am writing all this, because yes I know the usefulness of the visual, but on the other side I come difficult to tame me and do it.
Last Friday, the little pot was a big penalty. We are 10 minutes of her bedtime and she pulls out an apple from the fridge. She's trying somehow to bite the apple, but she can not (you know when the skin is too thick there and the teeth are just dragging!). She goes to see his dad to remove the peel, and the latter replied that no, it's too late, she has her apple tomorrow.
Parents of any child, you probably understand the reaction that the chip has been mining. Tears ... the tears that drip on his play.
I therefore propose, in good heart for Friday evening, and thinking about my appetite casserole bird, give him a piece and the rest of the apple the next day.
I therefore ask the mining coming to see me, we'll talk!
So I start
"it is late you can get a little bit ......."
not continue my sentence. The word piece, the screams of mining more attractive.
I'm sure the scene you recall the memories!
To me, for cons, it is important to play down the whole with a casserole that has a tendency to see the life as a drama! How to explain it to understand? Because outside the whim of wanting her apple full, I'm not sure that the chip really understands what I try to explain, it will be a piece of apple today and tomorrow to complete.
And I think, to hell with my drawing skills, I am fortunate that the mining casserole understand explanations so even if I draw all wrong I can at least explain what the drawing represents. Jump on the
"Here is the entire apple" (a drawing of an apple)
"Here is the night" (a moon)
"Here's the day" ( sun)
"When it's night, you can have a piece only "
" When is the day you can have your entire apple without the peel.
"Then look out, that night, so what you may have ?
Response casserole: "A Song".
I gave him the painting and offered him to go and show her dad she wanted to explain his piece of apple, because c ' is the only day she can have his entire apple.
I found a small pot smiling, who understood what I was trying to explain.
Yesterday Tommy began to get sick and he vomit.
As I have already explained little pot has a little difficulty with the concept of disease and that is normal at his age.
By cons, this morning, the mining chip rises, having heard his brother scream, cry of pain and fever.
She gets up saying she has a stomach ache here and there. What seems more a representation of the evil of his brother and not his disease to her.
I return to my business when I hear that seems to throw up (as I already explained here ). I'll see what happens and dad told me that she "wants" and throw it to the toilet to force. I'm sure
and that some mining chip is not sick, I'm rather face the problem of understanding. His brother is sick but not her.
She moved with buckets and continues to want to induce vomiting. It takes the
"That's Tommy" (guy with a crooked mouth that looks sick). Tommy is sick.
"This is me (smiley face). I'm not sick.
"That's daddy" (smiley face). Daddy is not sick.
"It is you (smiley face). You're not sick you either.
"Who is sick?" It was Tommy.
"Do you need to vomit and need buckets?" No
"You can go give it to dad and tell him you're okay."
Yet the mining casserole understands the word, she talks like you and me. But the visuals added to the explanation has a different effect. We pass a child in crisis that does not perhaps as much as we think? (It was enormously difficult to know, even the actors can not really identify the real degree of understanding of the pot versus reactions more whims / oppositions etc. ..) To a child who dies down and listen to explanations and calmly responds great.
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