Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Milena Velba Free Videa


Le projet « Shetland-Circus » issu du projet d’établissement Public Médico-social
ESPACES de Tressé vise à communiquer auprès du grand public sur l’existence même des personnes adultes déficientes de foyer occupationnel en France. La démarche qui a vu le jour il y a plus de 10 ans a permis de faire connaître d’une façon valorisante ces personnes en prenant appui sur un travail mené autour de la préparation d’un spectacle équestre aux couleurs de la Mongolie utilisant des poneys shetland, objet d’un 1er film documentaire, « Shetland-Circus ». Après ce premier épisode autour de la troupe Shetland-Circus led by Daniel Joly, educator specialized technical, and supported by the Culture and Recreation Association, the adventure has continued to the ends of the Mongolian steppes. Despite the support given by the Conseil Général de Maine et Loire and numerous private partners to the proposed trip. This extraordinary human adventure can not remain unanswered. The film was shot, it must reflect the skills and opportunities of people in a state of disability. This film will not be forgotten in the coils of a history so your support, the support of the general public comes to the aid of this evidence to permit the broadcast of "The Adventure Shetland Circus "through these two films and this DVD. Thus, we appeal for donations for that, despite the difficulties encountered during our journey, we can with the support of each finance the production of a videotape about the life of the residents of occupational center you will find Below is a provisional jacket, and the purchase order.
Radio Haute Angevine invite you to visit the website for details.


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