What is the pervasive developmental disorder? Little things
What is the pervasive developmental disorder?
Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) is a set of severe developmental disorders of the child, including cognitive, social, emotional, intellectual, sensory and the acquisition of language. Autism is the most famous example.
Autistic spectrum disorder (ASD) have in common an association of three categories de symptômes : les troubles de la communication verbale et non verbale, les troubles des relations sociales, des centres d'intérêts restreints et/ou des conduites répétitives. Les personnes atteintes de TED ont du mal à s’adapter aux changements de l’environnement. La sévérité des symptômes est variable d’une personne à l’autre. La variabilité de l’expression clinique résulte non seulement du degré d’autisme qui diffère d’une personne à l’autre mais aussi de l’association des TED à d’autres troubles (retard mental, troubles moteurs, sensoriels et perceptifs, épilepsie…)
ASD is generally reported in the first years of life. To submit a PDD must have:
severe disorders of communication: difficulty with language and decoding, echolalia, be non-verbal, etc.;.
Attacks neuro-sensory: the dysfunction of the five senses cause bizarre behavior and stereotypic survival in people. Abnormal behavioral manifestations are related to their neurological and chemical.
This leads ...
disorders of socialization: the autistic wants to interact but can not because of his disability.
These problems may be of varying intensity or appear differently depending on the disease. Some people with ASD can function normally in society while others require supervision 24 hours 24.
Have you found the answer in the explanations quoted above? Probably not, probably not more than me when I began my efforts.
is a difficult question to answer, and answers are vague as well as the pervasive developmental disorder is something of little concrete to set.
We find essentially the same problem in the explanation of the various neurological disorders that exist. These are problems "in the head," disorders that can not see, we can not show, explain the physical.
If you ask, what's a broken arm, it's easy to present an image to understand what it is. It can be seen by radiography, and above there is NO room for interpretation.
Parents approach to diagnosis seeking answers as possible specific to a disorder that is not even.
Parents who just had a diagnosis would better understand how it fits their child. Distinguish between "pervasive develop" their children and normal reactions to their child.
Parents who just had a diagnosis would be better able to explain to their family, friends.
is a question for which the answers are hard to find, because it speaks of a invisible disability and its characteristics may lead to different interpretations .
Even more difficult, anything you can say verbally (even in writing), to try to explain, will be questioned, compared, destroyed ... because eventually everyone will say "I ....."
It's easy, with an invisible disability, to accuse the parents, lack of discipline, authority, say the experts are wrong (ok yes it can happen! là n'est pas le débat), parce qu'on ne peut pas VOIR et PROUVER hors de tout doute le trouble en question.
Encore plus compliqué, le trouble envahissant de l'époque était clair, c'était l'autisme de kanner, le cliché qui traverse encore l'esprit des personnes qui entendent le mot "AUTISME". C'était facile, on le reconnaissait sans problème, il avait l'air "débile", n'entrait pas en contact avec les gens, était tout ce qu'il y a de plus "dans sa bulle". On le reconnaissait par les crises, le balancement dans un coin. J'exagère "à peine".
Mais aujourd'hui? How can we explain this? Through the skyrocketing diagnoses and broadening the criteria? How can it be explained by comparing a Kanner autism (classic) and a child diagnosed with "mild" or even what we call a person in the "broader phenotype of autism *".
At the main question, what the pervasive developmental disorder , I would say that it is a group of disorders, characteristics found in the normal population.
I certainly will not help you with this answer, and yet it in part the key to understanding with the least possible interpretation, what the pervasive developmental disorder.
The pervasive develop is a collection of features and problems seen in the population. The person who has difficulty sustaining the gaze of the speaker. The man who lives with a very specific routine or it can be an anxiety attack. These people have a phobia of balloons bursting. Those who have their ears because there's a sound too loud. Those who feel physically ill in a place where there are too many people.
You can, without difficulty, noting such characteristics in yourself, your neighbor, your brother, your spouse, your teacher.
We often hear about the characteristics TED. The characteristics of pervasive developmental disorder are as follows .... The problem as I have related above, it is instantaneous, the interpretation is possible, and believe me the people jump (without wickedness) the opportunity to make it with "yes, but ...".
Parents are exhausted trying to explain, and let go often taken when they are always answers the famous "yes ... but my neighbor .... ..."
So start by setting that's something I really repeats as possible, features called TED are in fact normal features of the human.
If we solve the problem of interpretation, we can perhaps better explain what the pervasive developmental disorder.
The term "characteristics TED" is confusing. Because we find these characteristics in the population quite normal and are found also in several other neurological disorders.
must therefore focus on the word "invaded". pervasive developmental disorder is a combination of features that are part of the human being, but with invasiveness, preventing the development called "normal "the person affected.
The same characteristics that can be found in the population, are so invasive to the person with ASD, they can prevent the development of language, they cause significant delays in the various spheres of development. They prevent people from fonctionner "normalement" compliquant le quotidien de celles-ci. Même la personne atteinte "légèrement" aura toujours besoin d'une aide adaptée pour pouvoir fonctionner adéquatement dans la société.
Pour certains enfants c'est ÉVIDENT. Comme l'autisme de kanner. Pour certains autres, c'est tellement dans la subtilité qu'il est facile de faire l'interprétation de l'enfant capricieux, mal éduqué. La différence entre les deux c'est que l'autisme style kanner, le trouble parait clairement de l'extérieur alors que pour un enfant moins atteint, le trouble est indeed present, but hidden inside because the child does not show physical signs of the disorder (rocking, flapping, self-mutilation, self-stimulation of style alignment, turn on itself etc..).
It's hard to understand and represent this different way of absorbing information. Because pervasive developmental disorder, is information that comes differently. His treatment is not like ours . For a parent with the disorder is really well hidden inside, it's hard to explain and even more, to explain it to others. By
example, in the person spraying (typical or atypical) information between the brain too quickly. They will record every detail of their environment DESPITE them. All information between at breakneck speed, leaving them barely enough time to properly treat it. They make associations on details that do not usually comment, so a simple change like the color of curtains in a room can be a source of anguish and incomprehension. It is as if the universe was broken.
A crack in a glass does not cause the same kind of emotions that a normal child. A child may have trouble seeing her favorite glass broken, in person TED is more complex, its environment, its universe is built from a picture, and this image is destroyed by a single crack, completely unbalanced the balance of his universe. TED person must work hard to restore this balance with different tools. Some will physically (flapping etc. ..) other live crisis of nonsense before you can restore this balance, leading to some powerful attacks, some will do so in a way more subtle, because they have learned over time to manage themselves, from the inside, this problem.
When trying to explain what kind of detail is difficult, because we have absolutely nothing to prove our "theory." As parents, what is even more difficult c ' is not to get lost in there, because we must constantly think about this differently to interfere with our children. It's more complex than the mere whim of the little frightened child or transient childhood.
pervasive developmental disorder is complex and unfortunately there will never be clear and precise definition.
*** extended phenotype of autism
*** The broader phenotype of autism it is these characteristics that can be found in a person, they are more invasive than average, but not sufficient to come up with a diagnosis of pervasive developmental disorder.
It is very common to find some people in the "extended phenotype" of the siblings and parents of the child TED due to the genetic component.
Personally I often say that the person in the extended phenotype to a part of the internal structure PDD but not totally. Besides, I think that is the case in the light spectrum of PDD, children with diagnosed mild to thus in an internal working party in the TED and party in the internal NT. What complicates even more when explaining the disorder to the family and friends.
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