Thursday, October 21, 2010

What Type Of Hair Lauren Lomdon Wears

My bee's garden

During fashion week, I am less busy side of the "Interview of talent etc. ...". But I'm catching up, well! I discovered a great singer, "My bee's garden." Under this name hides a voice of extreme delicacy and lightness impressive! His kind? Maybe the neo psychedelic, folk electro, nobody knows! I discover this fact without further ado Bee:):

How did you started in music?

My parents are real fans Music, my father was a bassist in a rock band, my mother sings in a choir. They enrolled me at the Conservatory of music very early.
I learned to play the Alto for 12 years I was in a mastery of singing and an orchestra for a long time!
And then I got tired of classical music, the musicians' competitive spirit between them and the rigor of learning.
I wanted to make music that was contrary to all theories of musical theory, the conclusions perfect, imperfect, the chord progressions and reversals ... I rejected all this.

I arrived in Paris and I met a lot of people very interesting in a more underground, whose musician Axel Concato (Axel and the Farmers) We started working together on other projects and then of course he helped me with my music, until he so "Hunt the Sleeper" my first album coming out November 15th we co-écrit/produit.

What inspires you to compose?

around me inspires me, my home, I feel soothed.
I am a very lonely, I can stay for days without leaving my apartment.
is in these moments of solitude and boredom, when I'm on the verge de la mini-dépression que je trouve l'inspiration.
je commence par enregistrer des petites idées en vrac en me servant du protools comme d'un simple magnéto et c'est un vrai bazar, les idées fusent et je ne veux pas m'arrêter si un instrument est trop mal joué ou enregistré, je dois continuer dans ma lancée.

Ensuite nous écrivons le texte ensemble, il n'y a pas vraiment de règles, de temps en temps on s'inspire d'un Film qui nous a touché, par exemple notre titre BUD&DEANIE parle de l'histoire d'amour tragique de "Splendour in the Grass" d'Elia Kazan.

Comment définirais tu ta musique ?

j'ai du mal a la définir mais certaines personnes en parlent mieux que moi en des termes assez cool, je leur pique donc ;
Dream Pop Neo-Psychedelique, Electro-shoegaze..

Tu as fait un concert il n'y a pas longtemps (11 octobre, au café de la danse), comment ça s'est passé ?

ce concert était assez éprouvant pour être honnête, on a eu un gros problème technique pendant la Balance et on a fait du mieux que l'on pouvait pour ne pas que ca se voit/s'entende pendant le concert.
ça a été en fait, mais je suis très perfectionniste et donc déçue d'avoir été un peu déstabilisée.
But we made some very cool, and it was a concert warm-up for our tour with the band Tame Impala.

What are your favorite artists?

y'en it a lot, are you ready?

Kurt Vile, Deerhunter, brodcast, Pram, Stereolab, Neu! Canon, women, dirty projectors, Department of Eagles, Grizzly Bear, Robert Wyyat, Beach Boys, Talking Heads, Suicide, Spectrum, spacemen3, Joy Division, Moondog, Steeple Remove, Axel and the Farmers, Myra Lee, barth, here we go magic , The Flamingos, Tame Impala, Panda Bear, The Kinks, Atlas Sound, The Specials, The residents,
portishead ....

Have you got any plans at this moment?

This famous tour opening for Tame Impala! and return to the studio for the next album in February.

Here are the dates of his tour and an excerpt from his album, due out in November: Hunt the sleepers

Sat 30/10 Le Grand Mix Tourcoing FRANCE
1 / 11 Mon FRANCE PARIS La Maroquinerie
3 / 11 Weds BELGIUM BRUSSELS Botany
the 4 / 11 Thurs COLOGNE GERMANY Gebäude 9
B72 9 / 11 Tues MUNICH GERMANY 59 to 1 11/11 Thurs


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